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Anyone else?

Guest Qui Gon Jizz

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Guest Qui Gon Jizz

I like this game. Does anyone else like the game? I also like Felecia. Do you know what I mean?

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Guest Hannibal

Oh God!! Please ban this guy!! Geez, what the #e!!$ going on?



Bow down before JoJo my helper monkey and your future lord and master.



Man-eating vice-president of the Un-Council and Head Servant to Jo Jo

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Guest Kurgan

I like the game too, but you don't see me trying to make an @$$ of myself on an internet forum... sheesh.





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Guest Acid_Rain327

What the heck is a "Prono star"?


And by the way, I'm surprised Kurgan hasn't made the guy change his name yet.

I don't think there's anyone here who's oblivious to what the guy's name means...

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Guest DarthMace

<font color=orangered> <center> I believe he is talking about the felecia off of Darkstalkers the videogame





DarthMace the evil twin of JediMace master of both the ligthtdagger and lightsaber


ex-dark lord of the Sith Order


member of the un-council

team coach

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Guest Kurgan

Oh you mean "Jizz"? That's a type of Star Wars music.


(waits for 12 year olds to stop giggling)


Don't worry, he was banned.


Yeah, I'm a grumpy old fart, just don't piss me off or you might find yourself floating home. Moderating forums ain't like dustin' crops, boy!



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Guest Hannibal

I just realized how young this forum is. Felecia isn't a person. No more hints. smile.gif



Bow down before JoJo my helper monkey and your future lord and master.



Man-eating vice-president of the Un-Council and Head Servant to Jo Jo

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Guest Ikhnaton

if "felicia" is what i think it is, he spelled it horribly wrong.


and darthjustin69 is also banned now.

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Guest ChosenOne

Yes, I'm suer "Felicia" means just what you're thinking it means and it occurred to me that the only reason these things end up posted on a great forum like this is because those who write them are too young to get access to the sites with forums where these things would be appropriate.

Anyway I just want to extend a thanks to Kurgan and the rest of the Jedi Council for keeping on top of the childish posts which have unfortunately become infectious as of late.

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Guest Ikhnaton

i took my name off the list. i can still moderate this forum, but in the future, i may not be around as much.

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Guest felecia

You are all wrong!! Felecia is NOT what you dumb asses assume. Anyone that has ever read anything from this forum knows that none of you can spell, so how can you try to make out what I mean when I write "Felecia?" Everyone here is too anxious to jump to conclusions about each post. Do you know what I mean? So, Felecia is not meant to be a reference to "head," nor is it a character from some silly video game. No more guesses for you. I wish you well in all you do. Go watch The Empire Strikes Back now, then come back and play your role playing games on the computer.

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