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Need a small menu! Know menus? Please read.


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RCON is wonderful. But some things, like kicking a player can be a pain in a fast paced game. Too much game time is lost. I was thinking it would be nice to have a menu to do it, where you could bind a key to pull up the menu, click on the player name (such as on the call vote menu) and click ok and return to playing. The same could be done with a few other simple RCON commands such as map changes, etc. So basically, a vote menu where it just does things instead of calling a vote. I was going to attempt it myself so I pulled apart assets1.pk3 to look at the voting menu for an idea of where to start, and found a few Q3A sites with menu help, but have decided that it is beyond my skill level. But it should be amazingly simple for someone who knows what they are doing. Can anyone either a) throw a simple .menu file together to do this and post it here - or - b) give me some good starting tips?



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I was thinking about this a little more. All that really needs to be done, is open up assets1.pk3 with winzip to pull out the voting menu file, and change a few lines where it tells the server to run a vote to use the rcon command instead, and save it as rcon.cfg so it can be run. I just don't know the scripting syntax well enough. Someone told me the games language is similar to C. I'm still inspired to learn how to do this, I just don't have time until maybe next month. Looking at the menus is real interesting. Gives great insight on how the game works.

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