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Killing Gungans?

Guest Jedi Blaze

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Guest Jedi Blaze

Okay, first off I want to apoligize for expressing myself without evaluating the problem from your side, and for maybe being a little unappreciative.

But, to try and stop this site from being ruined seems like a lost cause, its really gotten bad, but you probably don't need me to tell you this. Some people have mistaken this site for a an email acount, others for a place to talk about anything sw, and others just to talk about things that don't apply to anything sw or JPB at all.

This probably frustrates (I know it does me),

how can you stand it? Instead of being negative about this site, I would like to help you get it back in line. Is there anything that I (as a message poster) can do? Or do you not mind this madness?


[This message has been edited by Jedi Blaze (edited June 26, 2000).]

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Guest the13thJedi

Originally posted by Jedi Blaze:

Well thanks for the warning. A little late though. I really like the game. And have beaten it with every person, even maul, amidala, and panaka. I left this forum becouse I was sick of all the stupid non-JPB topics. Hey, here is some advice to the caretaker: DO YOUR JOB!

Any non-JPB topics should be closed! This forum shouldn't even be labeled a JPB forum, much less a game forum!

If you guys want to discuss sw stuff go to: www.theforce.net/jedicouncil

The council is where you guys should be not here. At least there people DO THEIR JOBS!


This is a good way to upset a lot of people.


If you don't like this forum or the moderators who have done alot to keep it civil, then do yourself a favor and find someplace "BETTER" to go.


You may not realize it, But many people enjoy this forum for one reason or another. This is partly because of Kurgan and Ikhnaton. They alone eliminated a lot of the bad seeds that were floating around and kept them out.


Because of them, we can enjoy conversing with one another and, in addition, not have to worry about stumbling on any objectionable materials (i.e. pornography or language which, unfortunately, have been present)


So wheter or not you belive any of this... This is a good forum to a lot of people and we would willingly be left behind by you...


So do what you have to, but I for one will stay.





[This message has been edited by the13thJedi (edited June 26, 2000).]

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Guest Kurgan

Well the thing is, we can't prevent you from being bored. In the end, that's your own problem, not our's.


These forums weren't created to keep you constantly entertained, they were put up to increase traffic to the site, first and foremost.


Second, they are a place for people to discuss their opinions of the games, share information, and tell jokes, stories or whatever else they want, as long as it's in line with the forum guidelines.


I could care less if people stay on topic or not, really. As long as it's not obscene or illegal, etc.


I think there are already too many forums, but that's just me. The headings are only guidelines to help people form their discussion and point people towards the place where they can find more specific information they are looking for.


The quantity and volume of posts in a forum is based on what people decide to post, nothing more. As popularity of a game wanes in people's minds, they may decide to post less (or less on topic), it all depends.



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