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Where do we go from here?

Guest Jedi-Qui-Gon

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Guest Jedi-Qui-Gon

So what's next? I hope this forum doesn't fall apart even more. With the depressing news that there are no codes and there are no more secrets. And with the introduction of Jedi Power Battles for Dreamcast and the news that Ki-Adi-Mundi may only be on that version... I keep checking back but the forum obviously isn't as hot as it was. Will our fate be of the Phantom Menace forum? I hope not Where do we go from here?


"Where do we go from here the words are comin out all weird where are you now. When I need you....." -Radiohead, The Bends




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Guest ShadeShifter

It won't fall apart for a while. Many will leave as they get tired of JPB for the Playstation, and more will come as JPB comes out on the Dreamcast.




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Guest ChosenOne

Well for the sake of those of us who haven't yet finished the game I hope the forum doesn't dry up. At least not for a while.

Some of us only get a small amount of time per week to play games and finishing one takes quite some time. Working 50 hrs. cuts seriously into my play time.

For our sakes I hope sommeone is still here when I finally get to 10/100 (or should that be 14/100?).


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Guest ShadeShifter

Nope, its 10/100. You don't get counted for beating the secret levels.





[This message has been edited by ShadeShifter (edited May 11, 2000).]

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Guest Darth Wart

I don't know if Aristotle is going to set up a separate board for the DC. In any case I'll be gone, 'cuz I'm not spending no 250 dollars to blah blah blah.


JPB for Playstation is still selling quite briskly, and there are new people coming on every day. The newbies (and you are all welcome) are the life blood of these boards.


But nevertheless you might be right: this board could well be in its dying days.


I guess that's for us to decide.






There is a complete online JPB strategy guide available at:


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Guest porkins

even if it is gone next week, it was fun while it lasted. i still have not tired of this game. it is definately my favorite game out for playstation so far.





Jedi Uncouncil Fata$$, Lord of Disgusting Bodily Functions

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