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I have a question, not quite sure if there is an answer. I know for StarCraft, you can select a group of warriors and then push

A or Ctrl+A or something like that and then select an area as which to send your troops to. They will then attack anything from from the start point to that point which was selected. I was looking over the manual and playing the game but couldn't find a code that corresponds to this command? Can anyone offer advice?





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IIRC, LucasArts was toying with the idea of doing this (called it Move and Fire, or something like that). The premise was the same. The group would move from one area to the next and if they encounted opposition on the way, they would fight it and continue on when the opponent was defeated).


Unfortunately I don't think it was ultimately implimented. I know there were a few dicussions a while back about it (it was supposed to be one of the functions the CC expansion would add), and from what I remember, the function ended up not making it into the game...



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