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Sky Boxes


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The JK2 Demo has the Ice sky shader, that's snowy. The game contains the shader itself so you can locate it under the Skies texture group but the six pictures are only in the demo's pk3.


To get your sky shader work use one of the game's original. Copy and modify it to your needs. They are in the shaders folder under base in the skies.shader file.

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OK, I'll make a tutorial about this on my project's page.


Until that... What do you mean? You can't make the six pictures to match up properly?


Terragen: I think I forget something to tell you, sorry for that. Make sure that the Zoom/Magnification value is set to 1. It is 1.414 by default. You can find that in the Rendering control window, but don't use the Zoom slider. Press the Camera settings... button and set the value in the appearing window.


And render the pictures at 512x512 or 1024x1024. Use those settings I wrote above for the directions.


Name the pictures as this: back: xxxx_bk.jpg, left: xxxx_lf.jpg, front: xxxx_ft.jpg, right: xxxx_rt.jpg, up: xxxx_up.jpg, down: xxxx_dn.jpg where xxxx is your sky's name. Save them in a directory under base/textures like: base/textures/yourmap.


In the copy of a sky shader change the following lines:


the first line textures/yourmap/yourskyname

q3map_sun <red> <green> <blue> <intensity> <degrees> <elevation>

q3map_surfacelight <intensity>

skyParms textures/yourmap/xxxx <cloudheight> -


Save the modified copy on a name like yourmap.shader into the base/shaders directory, where the other shader files are. Open the shaderlist.txt file and put your shader file's name at the end of it and save it.


You can find a little description about the q3map_sun command at the very beginning of the skies.shader file.


Hope this will help. :)

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Ive spoken way too soon


Now I dont have lighting comming from the sky

I dont know where I went wrong at first there was way too much now theres none at all :@

ill put the code in here so you can anlise it




lightcolor ( 0.988235 0.992157 0.843137 )

qer_editorimage textures/skies/sky.tga

q3map_surfacelight 20

q3map_lightsubdivide 412

sun 1 1 1 200 0 90

surfaceparm sky

surfaceparm noimpact

surfaceparm nomarks


skyParms textures/skies/snow 512 -



I put it a Sun because all of LA's Shaders are like that


I hope you can help me again


Here is a pic to help http://members.iinet.net.au/~philai/grrr.jpg

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If you use q3map2 to compile the map then sun is not good because q3map2 doesn't know that command (so probably you use q3map2 since there is no light you say), use q3map_sun instead! If you use q3map_sun then both compilers will compile it with no problem.


20 for surfacelight is very little try higher values, but in my opinion the lack of sunlight is the main problem.


I've never used that lightcolor thing, but I think it affects the emitted surfacelight. I use q3map_lightimage <texturename> and make a little 32x32 texture with the color I want.


Oh, and that q3map_lightsubdivide value... is it good to be 412? Shouldn't it be 512?

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Like I said


Shader NOOB here and Ill do what you said because you have more Experince at it more then me.


I use JKRaident that comes with the Tools pack I dont know if that helps I dont like the Qraident because it doesnt pick up and textures I add or rip from Quake or SOF2 or MOHAA but any way

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For now I have added lights to do the trick dont know anyother way to fix it I have made the changes that you said the only thing I could think of is you write the code for me and post it and ill copy it and make the Folder changes


Thanks for you help ether way you do it

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I just noticed that you postd a picture. :D So, as I can see there's a very little light and that's probably the surfacelight with the value of 20. So that works. :)


About sun: I really don't know why it doesn't work. Somebody has the same problem. I sent him my sky shader and he told me that didn't work either for him however it works fine for me.

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I use GtkRadiant 1.2.11 for editing and q3map2 for compiling.


The other one I wrote about found his problem. He had a few downloaded maps and one of them used a sky with the same name as his sky. When he removed that custom map from the base folder the sun worked for him after recompile.


Here's my sky:

qer_editorimage	textures/twoofakind/env/golthancity_sky.jpg
q3map_skylight	400 1
q3map_sun	1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 250 350 50
surfaceparm	sky
surfaceparm	noimpact
surfaceparm	nomarks
skyParms	textures/twoofakind/env/golthancity 512 -


I use the q3map2 specific q3map_skylight instead of the q3map_surfacelight-q3map_lightsubdivide pair.

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