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OmniMOD and JediPLUS


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JediPLUS is now Obsolete as OmniMOD 1.2 has taken its place as a streamlined, non-malfunctioning version of it.


OmniMOD 1.2 is now available on






It includes features such as


- clan chat

- admin chat

- jetpack (with fuel)

- anti interference in duels (read the readme for info on this one)


It has reached a stand-still stage in its coding until at least 2/1/03, the date i will resume coding.

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I like your MOD.

But I prefer the green shield energy, the blue is too dark.


And Star Wars games have always the colors red and green, it was in X-Wing, Tie-Fighter, Rebellion....


And is it possible to make the new "invisble duel" option on/off switchable?


One thing that is great improvement is that you can roll and wallrun with a weopen other than the lightsaber, that's great!


Just my 2 cents.

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