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Why won't it work?


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Why wont my game work on multiplayer? i know it isnt the game because my friends have burned copies of my game and it works just fine for them (*note, i do not support piracy and the game was not copied with my permission). I have an ip address, i have played games online before, i have win 98, i have dsl. whenever i start a game the people who have joined always get a message saying Cannot Join Game, and if i join someone else's game the same thing happens to me. what the hell is wrong?

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Im not too sure about IP games but I know that burned copies of the game do not work on the MSN Zone.


As mentioned, it could be that the host has their firewall on or one of you do.



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my FRIENDS have burnt copies not I. i actually spent $50 to get this game. Me and my friends turned off our firewalls.


Their burnt copies sure work pretty damn good on the zone because they can play their but i cant. I had this same problem with Jedi Knight.


But just to make sure i did it correctly could someone tell me how to take down my firewall?

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