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How to use stances?


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quick, basic lesson:


light stance (blue) : very fast, but with only a small amount of damage inflicted, this can be used to slash repeatedly at an opponent, to gradually wear them down. also this is a good stance to use against an opponent who is using Heavy stance (red), because red is very slow, you can run in and hit them multiple times, while they make their attack.



medium stance (yellow) : this is slightly slower than blue, but inflicts more damage this should be used against blue, since it is more powerful, it will cut through the defense of blue, and it is not too slow, so that they can jump in and cut you up. beware of enemys using red stance though, they can still smash through a medium stance defence.


heavy stance (red) very slow, but all-powerfull swings, this will cut through all other stances defense, if you can time it right, the swing is slow, so beware enemy using light stance, as they will (as mentioned) get lots of quick hits on you. try to work on your timing for this so you arent using big swings right next to your opponent, you have to start the swing, away from him so he cant hit you, then move closer so that as the swing comes around, you are next to him.



that should get you going. there are special moves lited in the instruction manual too. :)





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