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Guest Vader13

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Guest Vader13

Have you checked out the cheats/hints on cheatplanet.com? Are the new ones for real? How about the kiss and beating the armadillo?

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Guest Jedi Kanigget

I am skeptical about the "kiss" code as well. And as for DJ69 just randomly punching in a "working" code, one that I've seen before and have not been able to get to work, well, let's just say: "It is possible, however unlikely..."





Darth Wart's Strategy Guide in a friendly, easy to use form!(Sorry, that was bad.)



[This message has been edited by Jedi Kanigget (edited May 22, 2000).]

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Guest Jedi-Qui-Gon

I wouldn't waste your time with that kissing code. I have a gameshark like thing(its called a goldfinger) that allows me to view them movies on some games. There is no such movie. I saw all of them. The only ones are the end one, the one in the first level and the streets if theed one. So don't waste your time!

"A healthy public service announcement from Jedi-Qui-Gon"




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Guest Wickedness

Master QuiGon...where can we aquire such a "Goldfinger" device??? My gameshark is "supposed" to view images/moves/and sounds. But to no avail.







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Guest Acid_Rain327

"The queen kisses Anican and it does a cool future flash of Luke Skywalker and Anican being possesed by Palpotine. A kiss is worth a lot! Huh!?"





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Guest Darth Wart

just got back, everybody. It's still going to take a couple of days to catch up with my email (123 messages, none of them spam) and answer all the posts in here.


I have yet to see ANY cheat code work, however.






There is a complete online JPB strategy guide available at:


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Guest Darth Wart

Okay. Here’s my comments on these “cheats,” culled from http://www.bestcheats.com/pscheats/star_wars_jedi_power_battles.htm


The Final Battle-Force Field Room


Here are the paths to beat the multi-colored force field room in the middle of the final battle. (Note: This room has 12 sections, and I have started from top left when numbering them.)

(1)( 2)( 3)( 4)

Exit (5)( 6)( 7)( 8) Entrance



Use the following paths when the force field is:

Red frown.gifEntrance) 8,7,6,2,3

Orange: 4,8,12,11

Yellow: 7,11,12,8

Green: 4,8,12,11,7,6,10

Blue: 9,10,11,12,8,7,3

Purple: 4,3,7,11,10,9,5 (Exit)


This Cheat/Hint submitted by Nightwing on Sunday, April 9, 2000 at 00:12:45




Play as Darth Maul


Beat the game as Qui-gon there ya go! Press Select on Qui Gon on your next game


This Cheat/Hint submitted by Cabpsr on Thursday, April 6, 2000 at 21:05:00




Darth Maul Combos


Here are a few combos for Darth Maul:

Square, square, triangle

X, X, X, square

Square, square, X, X, triangle

X, X, triangle


WART’S COMMENT: Everything is true except the last one: XXT. Now, if you do this, Maul will seem to throw out a force thing, except nothing comes out and your blue bar is not depleted. It’s weird. presumably he was going to have another force power besides his lightning and this gesture is a remnant of that early version. It’s definitely a valid combo, but the only part that works is XX.


Points needed for Max Experience

Lvl Points

1 24000

2 21000

3 31500

4 39000

5 34000

6 51000

7 30000

8 7650

9 14000

10 12000





WART’S COMMENT: All accurate.


Play as Queen/Panaka


Beat the game as Obi-Wan. At "choose your jedi" screen go to Plo Koon and press select for Panaka, or go to Obi-Wan and press select for the Queen.


This Cheat/Hint submitted by oh_scrit on Wednesday, April 12, 2000 at 18:06:09





Hint: Level 14:Survival Challenge


Fight 100 opponents, including all the troop types from the game. The prize is the Ultimate Saber. The Ultimate Saber enables one hit kills on all enemy characters excluding Bosses. You can turn it on or off in menu that appears when game play is paused. Note: You only need to get it once, with one of the characters for all characters in that mode (one or two player) to be able to use it


This Cheat/Hint submitted by Zorro2000 on Wednesday, April 12, 2000 at 15:00:45


WART’S COMMENT: True, but this is hardly a “hint”.



Hint: Extra points


Enter an area with a checkpoint, but do not get it yet. Kill all the enemies there to earn points. Return to the checkpoint and when you die, you will have all the points from the enemies. However, the enemies will be still there, so you can get double points from killing them again. This also works when you have to save pilots and handmaidens. Wait for them to leave and you get the credit. Then get the checkpoint and when you return after losing a life, the pilot or handmaiden will reappear.


This Cheat/Hint submitted by Zorro2000 on Wednesday, April 12, 2000 at 14:58:12


WART’S COMMENT: 100% true. Using this strategy, I was able to complete level 3 (for example) with 101 handmaidens and 120,000 points.


Hint: Unlocking bonus levels and getting the Ultimate Saber


To unlock levels 11 and 12, three of your characters must be level 10 with 100 skill each. When you play through with a fourth character, the two levels will be unlocked by the time you have raised that character's level to ten and skill to 100. To unlock level 14 all five characters must be at level ten with skill 100.


This Cheat/Hint submitted by Zorro2000 on Wednesday, April 12, 2000 at 14:56:02


WART’S COMMENT: Inaccurate. It doesn’t matter if you have three characters with 100 skill and the rest. To unlock 11, beat game with Plo; to unlock level 12 just beat the game with Adi. That’s all it takes. To unlock level 14 simply beat Maul with Mace on one-player.



4 Hidden Levels


Level 11(Droidikas!)- Beat the game as Plo Koon

Level 12(Kaadu Race)- Beat the game as Adi Gallia

Level 13(Gungan Roundup)- Find all the Gunan Artifacts (3 total)

1. The caves in "The Swamps of Naboo"(on a ledge that you jump over)

2. Bottomless Canyon area in "Tatooine"(get on the 2nd platform closest to the bottom of your screen, then jump off towards the bottom of your screen, you shold enter a hidden area and find the artifact inside the house.)

3. Behind a tree near the end of the "Ruins" stage.

Level 14 (Survival Challenge!)- Beat the game as Mace Windu. (If you beat this level,by killing 100 enemys, it will unlock the ultimate saber option, which kills everything, except bosses, with one hit.)


This Cheat/Hint submitted by Anakin06 on Tuesday, April 11, 2000 at 18:26:25


WART’S COMMENT: Completely true. For a more precise description of where to find the Tatooine artiffact, consult my guide (the link is in my sig).


Beating The Mid-Level Boss On Tantooine


In the boss arena there will be a huge pit in the center. After the boss sequence, run to the edge of the pit where the little slope is. Then just stand there and he won't slam his tail and make boulders fall on you,he'll just roll around in circles. After a while he'll leave then you can continue on.


This Cheat/Hint submitted by Master Gamer on Monday, April 17, 2000 at 20:39:56


WART’S COMMENT: After much effort, I cannot get this to work. Part of the problem is knowing where “Master Gamer” intended you to stand on that ledge; you’ve got the entire circle to choose from, and at most points you’ll either be hit by his tail or one of the boulders. But I have stood on that shelf unmoved and unharmed for like 15 minutes, but he didn’t “go away.”


Even if he did magically disappear, you’d still have to figure out how to get over that wall he breaks through.


So, this may be a valid glitch, but I can’t get it to work.



2500 Extra Points


After getting to the room where you save the queen, and after defeating all the droids in the room jump on the left side of the table then jump onto the seat--- 2500 pts.


This Cheat/Hint submitted by John on Monday, April 17, 2000 at 19:03:18



WART’S COMMENT: Partially true. Jumping onto the seat gives you no points whatsoever. There is an extra life (200 points) in front of the chair, an ultimate powerup behind the queen, and a 2,500-point bonus BEHIND the chair. Jumping onto the chair is not necessary to get it.


Amidala Kisses Anican


This is a very simple code. All you have to do is beat the game on jedi mode with any two characters. Once you have completed that task you must hit the following buttons at the jedi select screen. R1 R2 R2 R2 L2 L1 R2 R1 L1 L@ R2. Then select Adi Gallia as your jedi. Select any level as long as you know you can beat it. Beat the level you chose. After the point tally stuff the game will cut to a secret cinema scene. It is tough work but worth it. The queen kisses Anican and it does a cool future flash of Luke Skywalker and Anican being possesed by Palpotine. A kiss is worth a lot! Huh!?



WART’S COMMENT: Malicious horse****. “After the point tally” the next level will load without ceremony. (I’m guessing L@ is a typo for L2, because the @ is on the 2 key.)



How to beat the catipiller on swamps of naboo


In one player on the second level be ploo kloon anda 2 players use ploo kloon and qui gon jinn.when your at the catipillar ploo kloon use the stim pack and runs into the catipillar and just starts hiting square.qui gon jinn starts throwing thermal detonators at the catipillar and when your out of specials just start swinging for the legs.it is very helpful when you have 3 or more credits and alot of specials.


This Cheat/Hint submitted by colby haney @ on Friday, April 28, 2000 at 13:40:52


WART’S COMMENT: I can’t made heads or tails out of this missive. “Swinging for the legs” won’t work, sinc eonly his belly is vulnerable, and that only at certain times. Plo and Adi’s protective things work nicely but seem to wear off fast here.



Level 14


To get level 14 you have to beat the game with Mace Windu in Jedi Mode. On that board, beat all one hundred enemies to get the ultimate saber. If you beat it in one player mode you can use it for everyone in one player mode not two player mode. If you beat it in two player mode you can use the ultimate saber in that mode.


This Cheat/Hint submitted by Hacker on Wednesday, April 26, 2000 at 22:23:52



WART’S COMMENT: Partially true; you cannot unlock level 14 or get the ultimate saber in two-player mode.



Level select/invincibility etc


I found this while getting really peed off with the game and i kept on running out of credits and everything and i kept on dying aswell but if you highlight the new game and then hold L1 and press fast X,O,Triangle,O,O,X,X and Triangle if you here Obi 1 kanobi say "the force is strong with this one" then you have done it right. Then goto new game and when you select your character choose any of them and then in the next screen hold down L1,L2,R1,R2 press them in that orderand the when you start a new game you can choose any of the levels and and NEW weapons and you have unlimted credits and your charactor has a giant lightsaber )u know the one which lights up really well).


This Cheat/Hint submitted by Jamie on Saturday, May 13, 2000 at 18:16:27


WART’S COMMENT: Totally false: if you are holding L1 and press X (which is the first button of this “code”), you’ll be taken to the 1 or 2 player screen. This code definitely does not work.



Secret Life


In the first level go to where you have to jump from platform to platform.Jump on the first platform and instead of jumping to the RIGHT jump to the LEFT

This Cheat/Hint submitted by yoyo on Sunday, May 21, 2000 at 13:46:14



WART’S COMMENT: It’s true. I didn’t know this life was there until somebody told me.



Infinite Health


To get infinate health you need to beat the game with all the characters on jedi level.

This Cheat/Hint submitted by Anyonymous on Saturday, May 20, 2000 at 18:17:20



WART’S COMMENT: This is definitely not true.



Sorry it took so long for me to get back to you on these; but somebody had my copy of JPB.







There is a FREE complete online JPB strategy guide (frequently revised) available at:


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