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Gallia, Kloon...Sith Agents in Ep. 2?

Guest Darth Sidious

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Guest Darth Sidious

This is a bit off topic...but it seems plausible that in the next movie a breakup of the Jedi Council is in order.


If there is to be betrayal...who would turn?


Gallia with her Sith sabre?

Kloon with his mastery of Sith force powers?

or might it be Windu? If he was to be in

Ep. 4...a time when "all Jedi were wiped out"

it would make no sense he'd be left around unless he turned to the Dark Side.


Curious to hear your responses...






"Wipe them out...All of them"

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Guest Mace_Windu

I have heard that it is Mace or Ki-Adi(alhough i don't believe either) that betray the council. Apparently they turn suddenly and kill almost all of the ouncil with the aid of the then blue-armored Royal gaurd(thus changing their color to red)




Mace Windu, Jedi Master

May the force be with you....

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Guest Adi_Gallia

<font face="Calligraph421 BT"><font color="lightblue"> I don't think anyone will betray except for Anakin. And that might be until episode three. I think we'll see the whole Jedi Council in battle though and I know they become generals or something. I don't know.



Maybe we'll find out why Gallia has a saber that color?I haven't the slightest, but if she were a sith, or even if Plo was, neither would be on the council.





Jedi Master Adi Gallia


~Will I ever see you again?~

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Guest Mace_Windu

I think crimson is common among female jedi. Leia's is the same color in the books




Mace Windu, Jedi Master

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Guest Darth_Maul

I believe that the Jedi are "immune" to such low forms of betrayal and cold-blooded murder. It's gotta be pretty tough to get on the council considering the amount of jedi running around the galaxy, so they take the best and most experienced leaving little room for a Jedi that isn't serious about what they do. It would take too long for a dark jedi to penetrate and I highly doubt one of them would turn on their comrades after so long. I believe that the entire council, especially Mace and Obi-Wan will be great heroes during this time and prove themselves in battle. Also, I do recall Obi-Wan mentioning that he was a General in the clone wars, so why not the other jedi of the council?




Darth Maul, Sith Apprentice

At last we shall reveal ourselves, at last we shall have our revenge!

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