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Help needed - guide me with skins

Jedi Child

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Sorry, as a noob, can someone please point me in the direction for the bestest, badest, neatest and fine fine quality skins to customise JK2?


I'm looking for the best Darth Maul, Vader, Bobba Fett, Anakin, Obi Wan (ep1&2), etc..


sorry if this aint in the right foum, as i've no idea where to put this..



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We meet again.


Most of the time, you'll be wanting good models, rather than skins, as a skin would just be one of the basic JO models currently supplied by Raven. Granted there are reskins of models made by the JO community


Vader - http://www.jk2files.com/file.info?ID=3951

Darth Maul - http://www.jk2files.com/file.info?ID=3287

Obi-Wan ep1 (there is no ep2 model) - http://www.jediknightii.net/files/index.php?link=file&id=1087


The Anakin model and all skins of Anakin suck @$$. All of them. And it's spelled Boba Fett. There is a Boba Fett model, but I don't know where it is. Don't get the mandalorian pack, though. The sabers are screwed up.

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