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No Worldspawn?


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I've been building a map in JKIIRadiant and everything was going fine. I made some modifications (just adding detail) and saved it, but as I saved it I got an error message from Radiant and the program closed. When I reopened the program and tried to load the map I was working on it gave me an error message saying something to the effect that there was no worldspawn and the map won't load. Any ideas or suggestions on how to recover from this? I had a fairly large amount of the map done and would hate to think I have to start all over again.



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There should be a yourmapname.bak file too. What about that? Rename it to .map (save it somewhere first :)).


I'm not sure JK2Radiant does this but there could be also lots of snapshot files. All of them are an earlier version of your map file.


And there is also the autosave.map. That can be good too.


Hope I could help a little.

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