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NRG Duel Map Pack Trailer

The Truthful Liar

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Just wanted to let you all know that the NRG trailer is now available to download from the NRG site. I hope you enjoy watching it. ; )




Direct link (Total size 18.9MB): http://www.nrgteam.com/downloads/nrg_trailer.zip.


I'd like to thank some people here who made this possible, namely ZDawg, Eagle_e7 and Darklighter, we couldn't have finished this in time without you guys! :)

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Originally posted by Takeoffyouhoser

9.0 for the level deisgn

4.0 for the shakey camera shots in the beginning.

1.0 for the music. Ghetto music f'kin blows.


If i played multiplayer anymore, i'd get this. I'd especially liked to play that lava, rocky level in there..


I respectfully disagree.:)


I found the music great and suited each part of the trailer perfectly. Also, I didn't notice any shaky camera shots but I may be wrong.


To all of you who have worked on these maps and trailer, thanks alot. It inspired me to install jk2 again in anticipation for the release in January. I can't wait!:)


BTW: I really liked the duel in the trailer. It looked awesome.:)

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Originally posted by Takeoffyouhoser

9.0 for the level deisgn

4.0 for the shakey camera shots in the beginning.

1.0 for the music. Ghetto music f'kin blows.


If i played multiplayer anymore, i'd get this. I'd especially liked to play that lava, rocky level in there..


I appreciate your honesty:)


I used a shakey camera to accentuate the fighting, give it a more rough look as opposed to having static cameras. In hindsight though i may of gone a little overboard with it, but people seem to like it, so im happy:)

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