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It's official! Yuri's Revenge delayed til 10/15/01

Guest Thrawn

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I'm sorry to report to all you RA2 fans that can't wait for YR to come out, that it has been officially delayed until October 15th. (The previous release date was September 26th)



You can see/pre-order it at-


Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00005N7YK/qid=1000907824/sr=2-1/ref=sr_8_3_1/002-0666704-6146427,


EBGames: http://www.ebgames.com/ebx/categories/products/product.asp?pf_id=205775&mscssid=&ref=1&PromoCode=&site=&siteID=,


Or EA: http://www.ea.com/app/store/en/prod_detail.jsp?BV_SessionID=@@@@1958040872.1000907954@@@@&BV_EngineID=ddadcccldkmjibeecfegcghldki.0&pid=40071E&oid=51085. EA has NOT updated the date yet. Don't be confused by it's generalization. :D Hope I've been helpful.



For now I guess we will have to survive another few weeks on screenshots. :(

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My exact feelings Link. :( I've checked EVERY RA2 website and they all say mid-October, or October 15th. There was ONE site that said it's not being delayed, but the post was from the 17th. :( I'm sorry to report that, yes, it's true: YR will be delayed til October 15th. :( Well, back to the screenshots. Although, all in all, it's not TOO bad. I mean, it could have been October 31st like Babbages was saying earlier! Or November 21st like EB was saying!!! Let's consider it a partial blessing that it's not one of THOSE dates. :D




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The really pathetic part is the only reason it's being delayed is the darn box art.


Dang friggin terrorists Blowing up our WTC/Pentagon and getting Yuri's Revenge delayed.

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