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Hey Wart (something cool)

Guest Maul Clone

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Guest Maul Clone

Did you know you could kill Maul at your first encounter on Final Battle with Amidala or Panaka?


Just walk up and activate him, let him do his saber thing. Then don't move forward, just open fire on him over and over until you aren't hiting anything anymore. Now still don't go forward, go all the as far as you can go to the left of the hangar. Now come back to the opening and you will see Maul. Don't get too close to him or it will activate him. Get close enough so you can hit him with the blaster around the corner. You have to get all the way back. Now just keep firing on him until he screams and dies. You get 2500 bonus points too! You have to do my famous corner trick to get to the open area.


Of course he's still alive later in the level though. Surprising though that you can actually kill him, and even get points for it. I wonder why the programers made that possible.

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Guest Darth Wart



I'd love to do this myself but I made the mistake of loaning my JPB to a friend for the week. I'll try it as soon as I get it back.


BTW, when you knocked Maul into pit at end, you said he stood up "as if nothing happened." Did the round then end, or did you have to keep fighting him, or did the game glitch? What?






There is a complete online JPB strategy guide available at:


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Guest Maul Clone

He screamed, fell back into the pit, then quickly came back to life and jumped out. Then he just stood there. Then the game ended just like he died normaly, it went to me doing that pose a couple of seconds later. Then I saved and saw the ending, nothing special.


He was dead but just standing up. I didn't have to fight him again and the game didn't glitch. It just ended like he died.


By the way, I made him fall into the pit with Amidala and he didn't come out. Just wait till he's standing there and go to the oposite side of the pit that he is on. Eventually he will start jumping towards you over the pit. Shoot him while he's jumping over and he will fall in. The game doesn't end though and you have to jump in the pit to kill yourself and fight him again. Bummer.

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Guest Darth Wart

Well, Clonie, I finally got my JPB back from my pal and I was able to try this. (I spent a LONG time trying to get it to work, because I trust you implicitly).


The reason it took so long is because there's a critical misprint in your instructions, you dork! Specifically, when you say "go all the way as far as you can to the left of the hangar," you mean, "TO THE RIGHT." Man! I wasted like a half an hour trying to get it to work before I figured that out.


Anyways, it does work. Cool bug, dude.

But I don't know if the programmers "intended" this, as you suggested. I really don't have a very profound understanding of how these games work. My friend, for example, insists that your other (best yet) glitch, the two Mauls glitch, is no glitch, and that it was intended for some reason.


In other news, it's sad to hear that you're sick of your game.


I got sick of mine a couple of weeks ago; all I do now is answer all my emails and test people's claims (like yours).


Keep in touch, buddy.






There is a FREE complete online JPB strategy guide (frequently revised) available at:


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Guest Maul Clone

he he he, Sorry man. Right, left...minor detail. smile.gif


Your friend may be right about the 2 Mauls glitch being there somewhat on purpose. It is really cool to fight him in that open area like in the movie. Maybe they planned on that area opening up after the first fight but couldn't avoid the 2 Mauls glitch so just cut it off there.


And after doing that Amidala trick, you have to use that corner thingy to get out of there. It's almost like it was put there so you could avoid getting stuck there if you double back.


I actually started a new game today. I want to try out a few combos I missed. I've also been choosing to increase Force every time to see how far it goes. Do you know if there's a cut off point if you do that?

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