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Why are the councils good? Your Supreme Chancelor has the answer.

Guest Barnabas Antilies

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Guest Barnabas Antilies

If we didn't have the council the sith order and the Exalted Un-Council, than we would all just be sitting in here waiting for newcomers to post questions. And as I see it this gives us something to do in that space where nobody has a question.

It is a good thing and the Un-Council is holding strong to that beleif. we are also the longest lasting uncontested council on this forum.

For those of you who don't know these are the members

Obi Wan Shinobi, Un-Council class president of 2000.

Master Chewie, Treasurer and Doubles as a nice rug.

porkins, Un-Council Co-Chairman and Natural gas source of the Galaxy.

liquidkid, Master of insults and a major dick.

( Also at this time Maul sith Lord has invitation to the Un-Council pending he starts busting darthjustin69s chops )


That is all. You may now beg for your part on the Un-Council.





Barnabas Antilies, Supreme Chancelor

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Guest Barnabas Antilies

Black List:


That is all....



Barnabas Antilies, Supreme Chancelor

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Guest Darth_Maul

Heck, i'll bust darthmaul69's chops for free. He demotes my handle!




Darth Maul, Sith Apprentice

At last we shall reveal ourselves, at last we shall have our revenge!

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Guest LandoCalvresian

the un-council(that's gay) what the hell is that ok i thought it was gay when you became supreme chancellor but the un-council we dont need a council or an un-council or a damn supreme chancellor i know it's just a joke but give it up it aint funny no more i never thought it was

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Guest Obi-wan Shinobi

Why do you hate everything so much????



Strength over Fear...

Peace over Anger...

Honor over Hate...

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Guest porkins

lando parmesian is bitter because he is not in the uncouncil.



Jedi Uncouncil Co-Chairman, All-Time Champion of the Jedi Belching Contest

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Guest liquidkid

et hem .....



lando is a dick.

perhaps he should also be on the blacklist.


and i still cant help but laugh about the other day when he complained about someone telling him to "poop in a sock"



dont worry about us kurgan. we're just foolin around. i dont want to make lando upset or anything... but he is being a dick. wink.gif







p.l.u.r. <> J9K-4-LIFE <> MCL




[This message has been edited by liquidkid (edited April 26, 2000).]

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Guest Maul Clone

These little groups can be fun.......fun......remember that.....just for FUN! Don't take them too seriously and they shouldn't get out of hand.




Founder and Member of The Sith Order

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Guest Obi-wan Shinobi

Liquid you are sooooooo wrong, I finally pooped in a YELLOW sock while playing JPB, and I unlocked Mara Jade as a character. Now every one run out and do it.



Strength over Fear...

Peace over Anger...

Honor over Hate...

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Guest porkins

yes! yes! everyone give into peer pressure and poop in their socks and put them on! it will do wonders for your JPB playing skills.


listen to the honorable un-council class president! do as he says and you will live long.



Jedi Uncouncil Co-Chairman, All-Time Champion of the Jedi Belching Contest

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Guest Hannibal

You guys crack me up! smile.gif


I'm thinking of starting and Un-un-council. wink.gif


Any takers?


Lando doesn't think anything is funny. He must have had a tramatic experience as a child. I still laugh about the Supreme Chancellor and Un-council.

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Guest porkins

i vouch for hannibal to be in the uncouncil. i think we have an opening for a man-eating vice-president if i am correct. that is, if the honorable supreme chancellor will allow you to join. it's his call, after all.


we are the even lighter side of the force.

we are the faction upon which the force balances.

we are the Un-council.





Jedi Uncouncil Co-Chairman, All-Time Champion of the Jedi Belching Contest

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Guest liquidkid

we could all just poop in our socks and give them to lando. what's ur address lando? i can "next day air" it to you. HEY RELAX GUY! wink.gif



now... would an UN-un-council be the same as a council? or does it not work that way?


and has anyone gotten the combo where plo koon poops in his sock? it uses up a full bar of force energy, but it's SOOOO worth it!!





p.l.u.r. <> J9K-4-LIFE <> MCL



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Guest Barnabas Antilies

porkins, you super fat Jedi, you are correct we do have a spot for a man eating vice president. And it is hannibals if he will bust on lando parmesan



Barnabas Antilies, Supreme Chancelor

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Guest porkins

monthly dues? umm... 20 pounds of poop in a sock per month.


(we will also accept rotten canned tuna in a sock)



Jedi Uncouncil Co-Chairman, All-Time Champion of the Jedi Belching Contest

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Guest Barnabas Antilies

It doesn't have to be your poop. So I will have to update the council list. Bust on Darth justin some more thoughjust to show your loyal.



Barnabas Antilies, Supreme Chancelor

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Guest darthjustin69

you are very unwise barnabas antilles it shall be the death of you The sith order will not stand for your weak group we rank supreme we will last you shall parish a ha ha ha ha




... "You are no match for me weak Jedi"



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Guest Barnabas Antilies

A parish is church district. Your statement confuses me. Unless your trying to say perish with a hick accent.



Barnabas Antilies, Supreme Chancelor

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Guest Hannibal

I think he meant that you were going to church or maybe become a priest. then you'd be Father Barnabas Antilies, Supreme Chancelor.

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