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IMPORTANT: All Jedi Knights Please Read

Guest DarthMaulSithLord

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Guest DarthMaulSithLord

All Jedi Knights should work together and think of something that will help this message board to last and keep all of the apprentices like myself. I'm planning on staying and I will help as much as I can when I reach the rank of Jedi Knight. Right now I must keep on posting and reply to as many messages as possible. Me as a member feel in the force that much success will come to this message board and we will have future Jedi Knight's to support us in all of are struggles. I hope this message brings some sense to you that we must all work together, master and apprentice, to help this message board to become the biggest and greatest of all the JediKnight.net gaming forums. Thank you for reading and MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU!






[This message has been edited by DarthMaulSithLord (edited April 25, 2000).]

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Guest Cool_Jedi

Well... we have a long way to go... I ran into Aristotle in Chat earlier... (he was testing it) ... and he said they raised the bar for becomming a Jedi Knight... now it's 250 posts...


Their thought is that it should be something special to raise to a next level... since some people were getting to 100 posts in like 2 days....


I guess it's good and bad.. good because when I get my 250 I'll be pumped... but bad because I have to post to get to 250 ... I'll be there soon!


Cya at JK status!



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Guest Barnabas Antilies

Check the post i put up on why council is good.



Barnabas Antilies, Supreme Chancelor

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