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LightSaber at 90 Degree Angle


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I was the one having this same problem, what happened is that one of the files that you downloaded from another user while in the game was corrupted. The method I used to fix this was to move all the files that I have in the base folder and the mods to another folder temporarily and go through all the files and put back only the files that you downlaoded personal. Any other files that you have left over discard them beacuse they are the corrupted files. If that doesn't work try this all of the items that you personal downloaded and have the zip files for extract them back to the folder (don't use any of the pervious files get all originals from the zip file). If this doesn't help I don't know what to tell you.

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YES! i had this problem, the only way i could fix it, was to reinstall the game. this wont clear the lucasarts folder though, so go in and delete it yourself. i think its a problem with some saber mod, so you could try just deleting any saber.pk3 files you have downloaded.


if you want to keep youre saved games, then just move the folder to somewhere safe, then delete the lucasarts folder, reinstall, then move the folder back in. :)







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