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Guest Schmector Goudyrest

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Guest Schmector Goudyrest

My friend came to this website to get help and tips on how to play this videogame and all he got was porno pics and stupid a$$ comments about peoples weenie size. If you guys want a site to talk about crap, then create one. Don't use a site like this for screwing around when people are trying to get information for their video games. The crap you guys have been pulling is no worse than our PRONO prank, just hypocritical. You all give the internet a bad name, so burn in he| |!

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Guest darthjustinisback

thats right whoever you are since you seem mad go to this site is so much better, and there smarter there




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Guest Acid_Rain327

Wait, wait...you pull some stupid crap, which only YOU thought was funny. Then, you get ticked off when your immature behavior blows up in your face - your friend did not receive help, because people decided to mess around just as YOU had.


Seems to me, you're just as hypocritial so those you are persecuting. So, be quiet.

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Guest Acid_Rain327

El Nino would be a more logical complaint than the one your friend up there is making...

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