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I don't know how to fix this!

Ryick Pa'tran

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I'm obviously new to mapping and I have a problem that I'm not sure how to explain.


I am currently working on a map in JK2Radiant and everything has been working just fine. This last two times after compiling (fullvis) and playing (from the Devmap) I come across a weird problem.


I can only explain the problem as "trails."


When you play a map that has a section missing (like a wall), and you look out throught this missing section everything seems to repeat itself to infinity. I don't know what the tecnical term is for it, so I will call it "trailing."


My map was fine (all 9 rooms) until these last couple times I tried to play it and now I get Trails almost every where. The only thing that I have done since it was fine was add room number 10. This room also does not show the changes I've made to it since the problem occured.


The 10th room is rather large with a lot of stuff (lights and brushes) in it.


I don't know what caused this problem, or how to fix it. I have spent numerous hours on this map and I hope that I didn't mess it up.


I am asking for help from anyone but please remember that I am a rookie.


Thanks in advance,

Ryick Pa'tran

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You're describing HOM (Hall of Mirrors). Common problem that stems from a lot of things, really.


The first thing I'd suggest is to make sure the level is not leaked, that's always bad. Always. If that doesn't work, try deleting the .bsp in the .../base/maps/ folder and recompiling. Sometimes sof2map just messes up like that. HOM can also be caused by the caulk shader being in the player's view. Caulk is your friend, but it's not meant to be seen by the player.


If that doesn't solve it then it's probably an error with the .map file, which would probably be author-error somewhere along the line. (It happens to all of us.) If nothing else works, and I'm hoping you have auto-save on, then you should try reverting back to a previous save of the map, and recompiling from there to see if that works.


Hope this helps.



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