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Ahhh What the Hell


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I wasnt going to do this but.....


Here is the map you guys have been helping me with its only BETA and i know there are things to fix but I would like to know what ppl think thats all




and yes Im the TYPHON that bought you


OOKDOCKS and OOKPRAC both downloadable here on JK2.net


Just make a search for Oracle of Knights and its case sencitive



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Alright, I downloaded the map, took pity on you and decided to take a look :-D.


First off, some things that need fixing:

  • There seems to be a strange brush outside the window on the end, seems to serve no purpose.
  • You should stretch the window textures to be 1.0x1.0, they look better
  • There is some z-fighting on the left side of the main room (colorful lights)
  • The top part of the bar, no texture showed up for me (grey lines)
  • On the actual inside of the bar (where the drinks are made) the top part, no texture for me
  • The chairs need a physics clip so that when I shoot them, sparks fly (otherwise the shots just go straight through the chair)
  • When you die from falling on the room to the left, the falling sound loops very quickly, should probably make the hole deeper/make the player die instantly
  • I just thought the steam coming out of the grate looks...weird, perhaps if you can get it to arc...(make sort of an L shap as it comes out of the pipe)
  • In the top floor on the back of the chairs...I cant see the texture you used.
  • Might want to put some caulk on the bottom of the landing pad if the player is never going to see it (I only saw it with no clip)
  • Designed seemes a little linear, i'd recommend more eye candy.



  • Round glass in the middle of the main room?
  • Whats the room with cylinders supposed to be?


Good Points:

  • I like the water spout thing in the back of the top floor.
  • Plenty of bar space



I'm assuming you're making an RPG map, no?


Good luck, and happy mapping, hope i've helped :-D

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Thanks I am going to make the outside accessiable I dont know about the textures Thats wierd because I didnt have any trouble with missing tex (Wierd) Ill look into that



The Big wound Glass in the middle is kinda a duel part but I thinking about getting rid of it and making a Disco room


The room with all the Coulems is another Duel room


I am going to chage te kill thiggy at the bottom of the pipe room to instant fall But...


I dont know if ppl would like that Eg. No grip fans or ppl who slip in a duel Just a thouhgt


Thanks for that


and No its not a RPG what Im trying to make is a lvl that sutes everyone at hand with some spical things for the admins Eg. The pool and watching room

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The reason you dont have any missing textures is because you have them on your computer, which means they'll show up on your map. I do not have them on my computer which means that you need to include those textures in your pk3, they have come from someone elses map(s) and since I dont have the map, they dont show up. If you have another computer, you should install a clean copy of jk2 on it and test the map on that computer so that you can see all the missing textures. If the textures dont come with the game, they'll be missing. What's really a pain is finding what map you took the textures out of, extracting the textures from that map (with the authors permission, of course) and then including them in your pk3.


Just thought I should let you know why the textures were missing on mine and not yours :-D.

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