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The forum of old....

Guest Feilnyn

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Guest Feilnyn

When I first joined this forum, I thought it was the best on line discovery I had ever made. The members talked about Jedi Power Battles and other Star Wars related topics. They helped new comers, and didn't resort to childish arguments. The infrequent perverts were banned and things would quickly return to the proper topics. Now it seems there are too many trouble makers to block and they dominate the board with in-fighting, corny, cheesy, and or profain posts, and attacks on the up-standing members. Even though the dying hype of Jedi Power Battles isn't enough to keep people interested and on topic, then at least we can keep our messages clean and peaceful. If we can't, then maybe we shouldn't be posting at all...




"A jedi needs only his Lightsaber. In battle, he and his weapon become a single fighting unit..."

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Guest Hannibal

I agree with you too, but how many time do we have to see this post. Its more than obvious that this forum isnt perfect (because of the people). What happens is someone posts "remember when the board was great" and a new set of arguments start. I cringe whenever I read a post like this because I can see whats coming. People take posts like this personal and think that your referring to them and then attack you. You joined in early May from my recollection thats when alot of the fighting was going on. Its sad if those are the glory days.



Bow down before JoJo my helper monkey and your future lord and master.



Man-eating vice-president of the Un-Council and Head Servant to Jo Jo

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Guest Mace_Windu

Things will never be the same. Its not really the people its just that JPB is getting old. When the game first came out peoeple flocked here for help but now that everyones beaten the game they have stopped posting or moved onto another new game. The only thing thats really become a problem because of peoeple is the profanity, argueing and porn(a one time incident but i figured id mention it). This really isn't that bad either. The moderaters have done a great job editing topics and banning the few peoepl who abuse this. In general, the forum really hasn't chnaged except that there is less to talk about. When the DC version comes out im sure the forum will start talking about JPB and helping the DC people. For now all we can do is act civil and hope the DC realease will direct our discussions more toward JPB. Until then we might as well talk about other things. No one seems to have any more questions.

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Guest Hannibal

Well said!



Bow down before JoJo my helper monkey and your future lord and master.



Man-eating vice-president of the Un-Council and Head Servant to Jo Jo

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Guest Kurgan

I wouldn't be too worried about the forums "dying."


You will definately see a flood of new members, with the release of the eight new LEC titles (granted, only half of those will have multiplayer, and only one of them has 'net play planned, and only one will have free editing that we know of).


That will mean lots of new people, and undoubtably, many people not familiar with how these forums operate. We'll always have our wannabe-troublemakers. You have to just accept that in life. There's always going to be folks who don't want to obey the rules. The people who dance on tables to get attention, etc.


Don't worry, we've been through it, we'll get through this too, and we can have some fun while we're at it. Nobody said this was supposed to be some mystical Utopia with no problems, ever.



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