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Guest Ikhnaton

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Guest Ikhnaton

OK, I'm sick to here with all the crap that's been posted here. This is a STAR WARS forum, and a family forum. It is okay to have non-SW related discussions here so long as they are civil and not obscene.


Actually, the non-SW discussions should go in The Cantina forum, but then again, there are a lot of good people there and I would hate to expose them to some of the rabble that is here.


This nonsense has to stop. This forum is not your personal fantasy diary, nor is it a place to vent all your anger and frustrations. This is a place to have civil discussions about a game, or about SW, or about other acceptable topics.


Starting now, if I see any kind of flaming or sexual topics or posts, or anyone trying to skirt the censor, that person will be disciplined as soon as I see it. That could mean anything from banning your name temporarily or permanently, to banning your IP temporarily or permanently.


I've had enough. JK.net used to be a place where people came to discuss anything, and they were all civil to each other. Since the advent of the JPB forums, the atmosphere has declined greatly. The good people don't want to stay here anymore. I'm not going to sit back and watch this place go to the toilet.


Before ANY of you start blaming anyone else for this decline, you better take a good hard look at yourself first and see what you can clean up. I'm sure all of you can work on something.


Like I said: flaming, sexual content, and skirting the censor are offenses that will be dealt with by more than just a stern warning.


I gave you guys chances, and so did Kurgan, who is a lot more patient than I am. He is fed up with this stuff too. You guys didn't even care when Aristotle himself came and posted warnings. You don't seem to have any respect for authority.


I didn't want to have to resort to this stuff. I don't like being a babysitter. I hoped that you people could act like mature adults or young adults, but apparently, this is not so. So, I have to become your babysitter. You want to act like kids? You'll be treated like kids. Mmkay?


This is in effect starting now. I will do whatever it takes to clean up this place. Heed my words, or suffer the consequences.

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Guest Mace_Windu

Thank you. Its good to see someone still realizes that. You are indeed wise in the ways of the force. by the way, How did DJ69 get back??? I thoguht you banned him???

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Guest Hand Solo

If I remember correctly SW contained a certain theme about rebelling against authority. No? smile.gif




Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.

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Guest Jedi Kanigget

Star Wars contained themes about rebelling against an evil, corrupt authority. The authorities here aren't evil, nor are they corrupt. I realize you probably meant it as a joke, but that comment could undermine what Ikhnaton said.





Darth Wart's Strategy Guide in a friendly, easy to use form!(Sorry, that was bad.)





[This message has been edited by Jedi Kanigget (edited May 24, 2000).]

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Guest Kurgan

I understand your need to vent, Ik, and I agree wholeheartedly with the sentiment!






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Guest Jedi-Qui-Gon

<font color="green6">Why so angry Ikhnaton? Well besides the obvious...don't get too angry.



"A friendly word of advice from a dead jedi."




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Guest Plo Koon

<font color="yellow"> I agree too. I have been talking to the members that left in other forums. I will come back, and I am sure they will come back too if this place does get cleaned up.




You could no more evade my wrath, then you could your own shadow.

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Guest 84Elan

The man speaks the truth. I am sorry it took so long for this to come about. I fear that it is already too late for this board but I give my full support to Ikhnaton. We shall watch your policing with great interest.



Remember...Your Focus Determins your Reality....

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Guest Kurgan

Well when we "ban" somebody, all we really are doing is taking the member account and saying "this person cannot post notes" and to ban an IP means that nobody using that IP block can register, so once we ban somebody and ban their IP, they can't use that internet connection to come back on the forums with a new name.


We can also ban somebody's ISP or email provider to prevent everyone using say, hotmail or something if we need to.


We don't like to do things like this, because it can potentially hurt other folks besides the one we want to ban, but it all depends on the conditions.




[This message has been edited by Kurgan (edited May 24, 2000).]

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Guest Jedi-Qui-Gon

<font color="green6">sorry about that last message Ikhnaton. I was just kiddin. I'm glad you said something so forcefully! I just read the post today. That's some good moderating boys.....




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well, Ik, Kurgan, i personally apologize for anythng that i have done that goes against the polacy you have here. (and a sincere apology from Calypso is a rare and treasured thing)


no, but seriously, if ive done anything, im sorry, and let me know what it is so i dont accidentally do it again.



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by the way, i decided that id help any way possible here, so (not to rat people out) but i think you should start by checking out this "Schmector Goudyrest" guy, i think he tryed to revive the infamous "porno nightmare" that rho started awhile back,(or maybe he is rho, i dont know)

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