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Star Wars vs Street Fighter

Guest Akuma

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Guest Akuma

Luke Skywalker vs. Ken Masters

Darth Vader vs. M.Bison

Obi-wan vs. Ryu

Darth Maul vs. Dhalsim


What could be better?

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Guest ChosenOne

Just about anything. These matches would last about 2 seconds each unless you took away the Jedi's lightsabers. If that were the case you'd be right, it could be interesting.

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Guest Jedi Kanigget

Even without lightsabers, the Jedi would be more formidable. Remember that little thing called the Force? If Luke can crush an AT-AT without breaking a sweat, what chance does Ken Masters have?






Darth Wart's Strategy Guide in a friendly, easy to use form!(Sorry, that was bad.)



[This message has been edited by Jedi Kanigget (edited May 24, 2000).]

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Guest Acid_Rain327

1.)Luke Skywalker vs. Ken Masters.

Luke ignites his saber, Ken sends a ha-do-keen his way.

Luke deflects ha-do-keen back, hits Ken with dead on accuracy.

Ken retaliates with a Whirlwind kick, is met with the green flash of Luke's saber.

Match: Luke.


2.)Darth Vader vs. M.Bison

Vader initiates Force choke, then nails Bison with a quick, horizontal slash.

Match: Vader.


3.)Obi-wan vs. Ryu

Basically the same as #1, but with flashier saber stylings.

Match: Obi-Wan.


4.)Darth Maul vs. Dhalsim

Double-bladed saber to stretchy limbs. You do the math.

Match: Maul.



[This message has been edited by Acid_Rain327 (edited May 24, 2000).]

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Guest Kurgan

Well technology-wise, Star Wars wins, and sure in SF you have people jumping impossibly high, recovering from life-ending damage, and throwing fire out of every bodily orifice, but in Star Wars you have the FORCE.


So okay, Street Fighter EX3 vs. SW: Masters of Teras Kesai.


Btw, I got a Sega Saturn the other day and was playing "Street Fighter: The Movie" pretty fun actually, and much better than the movie it's based on. ; )


SW:MOTK really wasn't that bad, but as a Star Wars game it made no sense at all (ultra-weak weapons, bad guys fighting bad guys, good guys fighting good guys, etc).



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Guest Wickedness

Sorry Rain...these matches will go like this...No lightsabres, NO force. How this can be achieved...there will be a kryptonite like substance which defens a Jedi's powers...ok???


Match 1: Luke "The Puke" Skywalker vs Ken "HADUKEN!" Masters.


Ken walks out to some great heat...while Skywalker comes out to awesome pop! Both men stand in the ring facing each other.


"It's the battle of the Beach Blonde Bimbo's as Young Skywalker takes on Ken "OBI" Masters. I am your host and color commentator...'Wicked.' The bell rings and both men go at it. Skywalker, following his Jedi learnings, waits for to make the first move. Masters with a head fake, and flips over Skywalker, and lands witha roundhouse kick. Skywalker stumbles to his feet, and wipes the blood away from his face. He lunges towards Masters, and lands an uppercut. Masters quickly recovers with an axe kick, quick jab, roundhouse trip, and picks up Skywalker, and rolls him into a monkey toss. Masters flips back to his feet, and cheers to the crowd. Skywalker stands up and falls against the wall...a small blue glowing crystal falls and shatters... with Skywalker dazed...Masters crouches, preparing a Haduken FIREBALL! Masters screams, releases the fireball...BUT IT STOPS! That crystal held the Jedi's power! Skywalker turns the ball around, and throws it back to Masters! THIS IS AMAZING! Masters is down... Skywalker walks over...Masters jumps up, but skywalker with a FATALITY... Masters headless, lifeless body crumbles, as Skywalker holds his head and spine in hand!"


Winner: Luke Skywalker


"Wait a sec! Coming back to avenge his long time friend's death, Ryu sneaks up on Skywalker and puts in a rear-naked scissors choke hold! Skywalker is surpised and seems helpless! Skywalker seems to be fading...wait...a snap...and Skywalker isn't moving... Ryu releases his hold... Medical droids come out to investigate...and Skywalker's lifeless body is placed in a Body Bag. It is a sad day...But wait! Out comes Ben Kenobi...and it seems as though our second match in on!!!"


Match 2: Obi-Wan "BEN" Kenobi vs. RYU


"Kenobi wastes no time! Kenobi with a jab, another, another...RYU is in the corner...Kenobi with a slap, slap, slap, Kenobi raises his hand, spits in it, and SLAP! Ryu is sent over the turnbuckle. 'IF YOU SMELLLLLLL!' Kenobi belts out with glee. Kenobi seems to be working the crowd greatly... Ryu sneaks, and a chair shot to the head of Kenobi...Kenobi gets up...another chair shot... Kenboi falls back against the ropes, his momentum bounces him back to Ryu as another chair shot! Kenobi is sent over the ropes and onto the floor! Ryu drops the chair and climbs the trunbuckle...Ryu with a gullotine leg drop the the back of Kenobi's neck! Ryu leans Kenobi up against the Ring post...and begins with kicking combos! To the head, the body, the chest and! Kenobi ducked as Ryu was about to put on the Finishing Touch. Ryu inadvertantly kick the post...and he seems to be in great pain. Ryu continues to roll around in pain... Kenobi stands directly in the middle of the ring, and stands in a praying stance... What is he doing??? Ryu leans up against the apron...and releases a Haduken fireball! Kenobi doesnt move...stays still...AND IS STRUCK DOWN BY THE FIREBALL! I can't believe it! Kenobi didn't move!!!


Winner: RYU


Match 3: Darth Maul vs. Dhalsim


"This should be a very even match...as Maul wastes no time, charging Dhalsim with his horns! Dhalsim levitates himself as Maul rams through the ropes and into the pole...Maul shakes it off as he stands nose to nose with Dhalsim. Maul takes advantage of having his powers returned to him as he throws a Force Lightning at Dhalsim. Being too slow to react...Dhalsim is struck. Maul doesn't relinquish however...and Dhalsim is pinned down for the count...1...2...3! Maul raises his free hand in victory and turns to the crowd...still unable to move, Dhalsim hits Maul with a Yoga Flame! Maul grabs his face in pain and rolls around the ring. 'Looks like stop, drop, and roll doesn't seem to help him in this situation!' Standing on the opposite side if the ring...Dhalsim strikes Maul with his 'elastic' limbs. Maul snarls and calls upon the force with a Force Push. Dhalsim is sent to the corner. Maul returns to his feet as Dhalsim releases a Yoga Fire! Maul force jumps over it and Dhalsim, when he lands, he reaches for his lightsabre which was ringside, along with Both Skywalker's and Kenboi, upon landing, Maul ignites and slices Dhalsim in half. Dhalsim's body falls in victory.


Winner: By Disqualification...Dhalsim!


Maul Sheepishly laughs and returns to the locker room...feeling no loss.


Final Match: To determine the Intergalatic Heavyweight Chapmion of the Universe...Darth Vader vs. M. Bison!


M. Bison levitates in the ring as the Imperial March blares over the p.a. a loud mechanized breath can be heard over the PA, as Vader steps out onto the stage. He comes out to a great ovation! Vader has a mic in one hand...


"Koooh-Pa...Bison...we meet again at last. The circle is now complete. When I last lef tyou I was but the learner, now I am the master. If you SMELLLLLLLLL_LL_L_L_LLOW! What the Sith.....is...-" Bison wastes no time and propelles himself as a missle into Vader. Bison grabes Vader's throat and lifts him into the air. Electricity forms in Bison's eyes...and reaches out into his arms, and into Vader's body. Bison let's go, and Vader's breathing becomes a wheezing. Bison throws Vader from the stage into the ring. Bison walks over to the announcers table, and picks up Luke's lightsabre. Igniting it...Bison lunges at Vader. Vader falls to his side, with a drop-toe hold on Bison, smashing Bison's face into the bottom turnbuckle. Vader rolls out of the ring and grabs his own lightsabre. Vader looks up, and flips up over the ropes, and into the ring, landing into a attack stance. Bison raises to his feet in amazement, and the two begin the Lightsabre duel. Bison blocks a Vader attack, and pushes him away, Vader stops and lightly force pushes Bison...Bison inadvertantly turns his back to Vader, spinning to face Bison's back, Vader swings his sabre over his head, only to bring it downn on a Bison defence. The two continue as Bison kicks Vader into the turnbuckle. Bison executes a Bronco Buster on Vader, who drops his lightsabre. Both men are very very tired now... Vader, trying to cathc his breath, rolls to the outside. Bison goes through the ropes and follows...Vader lays on the floor as Bison hovers over him...both men stare at each other...suddenly, the ring steps come from nowhere and crack Bison in the head. Vader stand up and kicks Bison in the groin...Bison retaliated by ramming Vader's head into the announcer's table. Vowing to break his mask...Bison continues to pummel Vader's skull into the table. after the fifth one, Vader retaliates and rams Bison's head into the table...a woozy Bison is then rolled onto the announcers table. Both men are on their feet antop of this table, exchanging blow after blow...Vader, Bison, Vader, Bison, Vader, Bison, Bison, Vader ducks under the third one, and sets Bison up for the Darkside (i.e Rock Bottom for those who know.) Vader looks around at the crowd, lifts up Bison and SLAMS him into submission through the table. Bison's body disappears.


Winner: And Un-Disputed Intergalatic Heavyweight Chapmion of the Universe...Darth Vader!!!


That's what I think it would be like!







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Guest Akuma

I see your guys point. But you have to also remember that the world warriors also use a "force" power. Their chi or ki. Sure they can't float things around but they can definitely put up a good defense with it. How else would they be able to block 99 hit mega super hyper killer techno flaming fireballs and special moves? So if a Jedi tried to use the force on them I'm sure they would be able to counter or at least block the energy.


Also from what I've seen, the Jedi can't really put up a great defensive barrier. Sure they can block laser blasts but what about a "Shinkuu Hadouken!"?


That brings up another good point. The Jedi rely on a piece of technology to produce a strong energy field...a lightsaber. While someone like Ryu can emit a field of pure energy directly from his hands. If that doesn't show a better control of the force then I don't know what does. The closest thing a Jedi has to a Hadouken is Darth Vader throwing his lightsaber at Luke.


Now I'm not saying that the world warriors are any better than the Jedi. But given the skills and techniques of both sides it's definitely not as one sided as alot of you make it out to be.

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Guest Jedi Kanigget

Ah, but the Jedi don't totally rely on their lightsabers. As I mentioned before, Luke crushed an AT-AT without breaking a sweat. Jedi can use the Force to create what they want: Force push, Force wall, Force lighting, etc. Yoda himself relies almost entirely on the Force (Yeah, I know he's not on the list, he's just an example) and doesn't use a lightsaber.





Darth Wart's Strategy Guide in a friendly, easy to use form!(Sorry, that was bad.)


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Guest Wickedness

Ya, but how did Luke destroy that AT-AT??? By using a harppon and tow cable...and using his lightsabre to open up the Walker, and insert the thermal detonator.







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Guest Jedi-Qui-Gon

<font color="green6">I personally think the jedi have the advantage. They can see the things before they happen. They are also fast(exhibited when they ran from the droidkas) I think they could easily dodge a "Shinkuu Haduken"(sp?) but that's just me. I've never been a street fighter fan, i might be a little partial to star wars.......




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Guest Jedi Kanigget

Originally posted by Wickedness:

Ya, but how did Luke destroy that AT-AT??? By using a harppon and tow cable...and using his lightsabre to open up the Walker, and insert the thermal detonator.




Not the same incident I'm talking about, Wickedness. I'm talking about what happened in the Dark Horse comic series Dark Empire. Luke crushed the AT-AT with the Force and only the Force.






Darth Wart's Strategy Guide in a friendly, easy to use form!(Sorry, that was bad.)


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Guest ShadeShifter



Interesting, but the Jedi would win with or with out lighsabers.


For instance...


Luke vs. Ken:

Luke sees every move Ken makes before he performs them, tactfully dodging out of the way and doing a counterstrike. Ken throws a Hadouken, and Luke simply deflects it back at him with a flick of his wrist.


Obi-Wan vs. Ryu:


Obi-Wan uses a Jedi mind trick to covince Ryu that he is not the Jedi Ryu is looking for. Ryu repeats, you are not the Jedi I am looking for and walks away.


Vader vs. Bison

Choke hold...nuff said


Maul vs. Dahlsim:

Lets not even go there.





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Guest Akuma

I'm not just limiting the matches to those line ups. They could be any fighter. I'm also not saying that those would be the best matches. I mean Maul vs. Dhalsim...you gotta see the humor in that. But the concept of it is what should be worked with.

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Guest Super Sith Saiyan Vegeta

Super Saiyan Vegeta will come and kill them all with a big bang or final flash!



vegetafireball.gif Final Flash!

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Guest Super Sith Saiyan Vegeta

Super Saiyan Vegeta will come and kill them all with a big bang or final flash!



vegetafireball.gif Final Flash!

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Guest 84Elan

I never have been a big fan of SF but I have to beleive that Any Jedi Any time could take a mere fighter saber or no. Yet to take away a Jedi's saber would be like taking a Sonic Boom or viper upper cut away, it is either all or nothing no handicaps.

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Guest 84Elan

I never have been a big fan of SF but I have to beleive that Any Jedi Any time could take a mere fighter saber or no. Yet to take away a Jedi's saber would be like taking a Sonic Boom or viper upper cut away, it is either all or nothing no handicaps.

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Guest Jedi Trunks

an Trunks goes with his father too, and everyone dies by the hands of the super seins





Trunks, Supreme Jedi

"Sniffing Glue is a way of life, never deny that!"

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Guest Jedi Trunks

an Trunks goes with his father too, and everyone dies by the hands of the super seins





Trunks, Supreme Jedi

"Sniffing Glue is a way of life, never deny that!"

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