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'wait, i swear i just killed you!?'


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right does anyone know what the deal is when i kill a new npc that ive created and they just suddenly stand up again?


it doesn't matter whether ive sabered them or tossed them up in the air the same thing happens to every new character i create. i'm making an episode 1 mod and every npc i make just gets back up after having there heads chopped off!


i'm thinking that there may be some mistake in the npcs file, but how come it doesn't happen to any existing characters?


thats all


plz help cos it's annoying me now!

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The arm for instance:


- gets cut off and then the model will just spring back up and the arm re-appears, but an arm also lies on the floor. it's like it spawns itself again but can't fight!


the npc just stands there looking at the floor and won't fight again. he is partly dead because all i have to do is grip him again and throw him and he'll die! it's well stupid.


The way i create npcs is:


1) open the npc's file in the ext_data folder with microsoft word

2) find the type of character i want to create (e.g. jedi)

3) copy all of the data for a jedi and paste it under the last jedi entry.

4) then i change all of the information to suit the character i'm making e.g. scale, health, saber colour, intelligence etc.


I usually put health to around 3000 and all abilities up to 5 if that helps?


I'm just really confused!!! :confused: :confused: :confused:

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No i know what you mean AutoCept but it's not that, because i only spawn these jedi once and besides,


when i pick him up with force grip and throw him 50 ft up in the air he lands and then just springs back up (the same npc) in a completely different area to where i originally spawned him!


when you spawn 2 npcs at once, the second one doesn't appear because the other is in it's way, but if i were to throw the other one across the room the 2nd npc would appear, but that doesn't happen.

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