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HELP! unspecified error in junk.txt


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reading d:/jedi2/gamedata/base/maps/8d.bsp

reading d:/jedi2/gamedata/base/maps/8d.prt

2716 portalclusters

11264 numportals

7171 numfaces

22528 active portals

0 hint portals


0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (165) (<-what does it means?)

12 average number of passages per leaf

371 MB required passage memory (<- what does it means?)

0...1...2...3...4...5...6...Unspecified error - please contact John or Rick. (<-what does it means?)


Only 1040704 gridArrays used out of 1048576

0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (351) (Whats this?)

202 x 112 x 46 = 1040704 grid

56503 unique grid light points (whats this?)

0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (177)

Lightmaps exceed max memory (11501568 > 8388608) (whats this?)


Im working on my first map yet, i intend to do a ctf map for jk2, no doors or elevators.

I use lots of lights, the reason why i deleted most of them cause i kept on getting this "too many unique lights on grid!" error.

I use GTKradiant and Jk2radiant cause both are usefull for different things, since i have now hardware limitations (changed from a gf ti 4200 to a kyro 2// btw i get some white textures now instead of seeing the real ones, and lots other textures errors due to my actual graphs card, which i understand).

Although my actual graphs card doesnt give me the necessary power to use the editor, ive downloaded and installed this SciTech GLDirect, applied the CAD driver settings and i can work better with it (i think its good for some less powerfull graphics card´s users like me)

The thing is, that the process is not aborted it runs all the way, and in the end i notice that the size of my bsp file its +/- 5mb instead of 14mb (usual size when everything runs well).

I worked on one base first, then copied, pasted and "mirrored" it, changed the entities and light´s colors, etc

- About that cl_ bad number error, i had that problem once too, ive found the solution somewhere but i cant find it now :/, i think i copied the entire map and pasted it on a new one, not sure though.

The thing is that i have errors in junk.txt that i cant understand or solve


Notes: i have 199 lights / 1517 brushes / 339 entities / 1110 net brush count

Tks for the possible help

cheers, Paulo

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