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Some questions for Darth Wart

Guest Skillz

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Guest Skillz

Ok, can you tell me how do you get Qui Gon's healing thing, also on your web page under Suvirval Challege Qui Gon gets to start off with the healing thing but um when I play the stage with him and hit L2 Circle jack **** happens. Help out a fellow gamer!!

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Guest Skillz

Ok, can you tell me how do you get Qui Gon's healing thing, also on your web page under Suvirval Challege Qui Gon gets to start off with the healing thing but um when I play the stage with him and hit L2 Circle jack **** happens. Help out a fellow gamer!!

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Guest 84Elan

Mace speaks the truth and there are several ways to do this from simply picking up everything then beating the living day lights out of Maul and killing everyone to back tracking after you reach a check point or save point.


If you miss some items then you will defenatly need to go crazy on Maul in order to get the points needed. Successful force attacks on Maul pay good but you can get the most points just buy whaling on him and not letting him get a slap in edgewise. Good luck and MTFBWY



Remember...Your Focus Determins your Reality....

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Guest 84Elan

Mace speaks the truth and there are several ways to do this from simply picking up everything then beating the living day lights out of Maul and killing everyone to back tracking after you reach a check point or save point.


If you miss some items then you will defenatly need to go crazy on Maul in order to get the points needed. Successful force attacks on Maul pay good but you can get the most points just buy whaling on him and not letting him get a slap in edgewise. Good luck and MTFBWY



Remember...Your Focus Determins your Reality....

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