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Guest pooply-poo poo-ramovich

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Guest pooply-poo poo-ramovich

The best part about this site are you, the people! The way you get worked up over everything from pranks to people getting banned is the most fun on the internet-even more fun than *****!!(Do you know what I mean?) Now with IP addresses being banned and "strict" laws being laid down by the moderators, a game has begun to see who can cross the line and get away with the most before anything is done. Well, this is the internet; nothing can be done. IP addresses can be changed, new topics can be posted. The fact that kids use this forum is also not a big issue. There are far worse things for a 13 year old to see than a screen name like Qui Gon Jizz or a title with the number "69."

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Guest Ikhnaton

be part of the solution, not the problem. people like you are the reason we are cracking down.

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