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Should I Get It Or Wait...


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I'm fairly new to the game (i've only played the game a few times at a friend's house) and since the Saga Collection is out, I was wondering if it was still worth getting it this late in the game or should I just wait until hopefully SWGB 2 comes out.




BTW, Of what I played (only skirmishes) it seems like a real addictive game.

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Check other threads to see some off my ideas. It's nothing personnal. That's what this forum was made for. So ideas can be made and see what people think about it. You shouldn't take criticism a bad way. We all have diffrent ways and different tastes. We argue in the hope to make the ideas that we put, better. It's what always happens on a forum. Don't take it the wrong way.


Sorry if I have been a little rough...

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SWGB II (should it ever come out) won't simply be an addon for SWGB one. It will (hopefully) run on a more advanced engine allowing for greater diversity between the civilations while preserving balance. Hopefully it include a number of the things discussing in the various other threads (limiting Line of Sight based on the terrain, for example). Personally, I think LucasArts is more inclined to produce a new RTS a couple years down the road than spend tim making another expansion for GB.


Besides, they're focusing on other projects right now and there's no word of anything being made for GB. If they did decide to make something for GB, it probably wouldn't be released for a year or 3 (at which point they'd be better off creating a whole new product than rehashing something that will be several years old at the time...)



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A good engine to use for Battlegrounds 2 would be a variation of the engine used in Total Annihilation. Varying it enough to allow some of the special features in Battlegrounds that we all know and love, but keeping it enough the same to allow several good features in Annihilation, such as creating new units instead of adapting old ones, and terrain-affected LOS, would create the perfect engine for a game like Battlegrounds.

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hopefully this forum isn't as full of crazy morons

Uh oh. This could be bad news.




I'm only kidding :D (but stay away from the alien jedi thread. Oh, and dont read my sig)


it cant be as bad as swgb.heavengames.com board... bunch of psycho's over there.

When I left that place was like a sopa opera. I go and browse it occasionaly, and have discovered that the sane ones have moved operations to the strategy forum

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