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new idea for JK3 (if its goin' to come out)


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ok...was reading through some posts on diff forums on ideas for JK3...and I thought of Kokuto Chojin (sp.?) for the X-Box and its new revolutionary realtime collision reaction system...and I thought...hey...why not have a realtime saber collision reaction system in JK3? what do you guys think, and yes I realise there is somewhat of a collision reaction system for JK2, but its not all that great...I wan to see sabers bounce off of eachother a lot more realistically...too many times I see dfa's and lunges go straight through a saber...looks cheesy...so I suggest they make a VERY detail collision reaction system...so that everytime a saber hits another object the collision is tested...cuz sabers can cut through some objects...just not other sabers... :) yeah...thats my suggestion..peace out...sleep time

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