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HELP! me please


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i would just like to say i am new to this moddeling thing and dont understand any of the jargen u r talkin about so could any sane person on the face of the planet please explain how to create models and hilts using 3d studio or any other program wich is free to download


to anyone who replies..........Thank you!

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what do you mean jargen?! we are all english scholars here who speak in complete sentances and use periods on a regular basis.


Hey guys, did you here that someone bee-bopped the rocksteady and jimbled off with it's starcruzer?! It just tickles the jimmies so asparagus can grow.

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i mean that i dont understand what you mean when you say things like, then the <whatever> file has to be edited, and when i try it it never works and then i look for other ways there are things like


quote: (not from this thread)


set s_oran "devmap; sabercolor orange; bind c vstr s_yelo; echo Your lightsabre is now ^1O^3r^1a^3n^1g^3e! (The one Kyle took from Yun after his own was destroyed in JK1 - THIS is the correct color. *_*)"

set s_yelo "sabercolor yellow; bind c vstr s_gren; echo Your lightsabre is now ^3Yellow!"

set s_gren "sabercolor green; bind c vstr s_blue; echo Your lightsabre is now ^2Green! (The one Kyle inherited from Rahn)"

set s_blue "sabercolor blue; bind c vstr s_lila; echo Your lightsabre is now ^4Blue! (JK2-JO default)"

set s_lila "sabercolor purple; bind c vstr s_dred; echo Your lightsabre is now ^6Purple!"

set s_dred "sabercolor red; bind c vstr s_oran; echo Your lightsabre is now ^1Red!"


this i do not understand, so could you please tell me how to design models step by step in a simple way.Please.

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