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Which Saber is the best.

Guest BigBud

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Guest Plo Koon

What I meant was, I don't have a subscription to it. I didn't feel like going back to edit my post. I feel lazy. Anyways, my dad has one "hidden" under his bed. I haven't read it in a while because seeing the same person is kinda boring the 10th time.






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Guest darth_maul_87

I like Obi-Wan's from TPM because it's blue and it looks easy to handle because of the ball on the bottom. biggrin.gif



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Guest Maul Clone

Ever notice that Mace's saber in the movie is different than the one in that pic, as well as other sources? That's because Eeth Koth and Mace trade lightsabers a long time ago then traded back recently in the comics. The one Mace had in Episode one actually had a green blade.


After the recent trade though, it's now blue. So I guess the blue one, the one in that pic, is the one we will see him use in Episode II.


Oh, I would take Qui-Gon's. I read that it's th most advanced and complex internally. Plus it just looks cool. smile.gif




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Guest liquidkid

Originally posted by Barnabas Antilies:

I would use one like mauls but blue on one side and green on the other.




THAT'S THE LAMEST IDEA I'VE EVER HEARD!!! ha ha ha ha... sucker. biggrin.gif



and i agree w/angel halcyon about the saber in "i, jedi" (enjoyed that book. especially when luke is there tearin stuff up) i thought that the extension was green though. i suppose that is a trival point.



it's hard to choose a favorite saber, i agree with all the people that said obi's from ep1 would be cool cuzza that ball on the bottom, maybe that's why he's always spinnin it around!!!



also... has anyone ever noticed (i'm sure jsut about everyone has) that vader's lightsaber is constructed in the same fashion as the luke/anakin one? (yeah, obviously he made them both) but they're the only 2 that look like that. it's easier to notice when you've got them all next to eachother like that. also luke's second saber is constructed in the same fashion that old ben's was. this is also cool. and both of theirs are similar to obi's & quigon's in ep1. there's some great continuity for ya! thanks george lucas!







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Guest Jedi Shadow

I think Qui-Gon's hilt is the coolest.

But nuttin beats a blue sabre (not talking about the hilt here)




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Guest Jedi Kanigget

Corran Horn is in Dark Tides: Onslaught.(Of course he his, it's written by his creator, Michael A. Stackpole) In it he uses his dual phase saber when fighting the Yuuzhan Vong. I won't tell you how, if you haven't read it yet, I won't ruin it for you.





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Guest Ryusui

I agree...it's hard to choose a favorite. There are so many aspects of each saber I'd love to have.

Personally, I don't care for either Mace's or Ki's. Even the one Mace has on the JPB booklet.

Qui-Gon's, as someone stated, is very smooth, very simplistic.

I like Obi-Wan's TPM saber because of the flashy design. I also agree that the large grips on the ball at the end might make it easier to handle. I think the way that the grip has been made a little thinner than the rest of the saber might make it easier to handle as well.

His next saber I like because it is the first of the group to break away from the old traditional design that everyone else seems to be following. But really, other than that, I don't care for it too much. The design is really nice, but I'd go with Luke's anyway.

Now Darth Vader's is too cool. The design is nice and sleek. The grips are the only thing that kind of throw it off, but it can still work if you look at it in a certain way. But it's VERY simple, elegantly sleek...just way cool.

Anakin/Luke's saber appeals to me because it's the first saber I ever really saw details of, and just kinda sticks on my mind. I'm not sure why, but I also think it would be EXTREMELY easy to handle.

Now Luke's saber I LOVE. The design is really cool, and it pays tribute to his master. But what I especially love - and am surprised no one else mentioned - is the KILLER snap-hiss his saber makes when ignighted! I thought that was the COOLEST start-up sound for a saber when I first heard it! To this day I wonder what it is about his saber's design that made it sound like that.

And Darth Maul's saber is cool because the design is rather menacing, and the dual blades just add for so much more opportunity. Plus, if you can master a lightstaff, I'd think you could be considered a VERY powerful Jedi. Takes a lot of skill just to handle a lightsaber. A lightstaff would just improve your skill and make you a much better fighter.

Over all, I think I'd like to have Luke's saber. Most of the desicion comes from the snap-hiss of his saber, and I kind of like the green colors of the sabers too. His design is just wonderful, and it has a purpose behind it.



Laterz. Peace kiddies. \/-_-

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest DarthMace

<font color=red> <center> My faverite is mace's





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Guest Darth Gomedro

I would take maul's saber because it can be used as either a light saber or a light staff. I think it is the most useful and the best, but I would have green blades instead of red.

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Guest Darth_Talon

find me a good picture of mauls lightsaber and i can make it green for you...and have it look like a real lightsaber




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Guest Plo Koon

Hey, Maul Clone read all my above posts. I stated that Mace's was different a while ago. Anyways, I really don't think the books and comics are relevant to the actual continuity of the movie. That's just my opinion. I know Lucas has to OK some of the books and comics, but he has no control of what the authors put in them.






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