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radiant question


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I am using radiant 1.2.9 I can tell that I have noticed quite a bit about voyager elite. My question is about when I put an NPC outcast using that NPC spawner entity. The window that pops up when the "N" key is pressed has something at the bottom I haven't noticed until now. There is a part where is states that there are strings that can be used to activate behavior instead of scripts.


it has a list:


default 0

idle 1

roam 2

walk 3

and so forth....


I tried using one number 7 = patrol and gave the NPC waypoints to walk go to but it doesn't work. Will this work with outcast NPC's if so what data exactly goes into the key and the value? Or does this not work the way I am thinking? I had never noticed it before until now and I wasn't sure.

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