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Easy way to beat the droid ship with Amidala

Guest Maul Clone

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Guest Maul Clone

OK, this is complicated but it makes it so MUCH easier. Get to the last checkpoint on the first level then walk to the very end of the metal walkway. As soon as the music changes at the end of it turn back around and go back the way you came.


If you did it right you should be able to go back down the walkway until you get to an invisable wall. You can get around this too. Just jump behind it from the other side of the corner. It can be a tough jump.


Now go down the walkway where the droid ship is flying right over your head every once in a while. Now all you have to do is let it shot you once and you should be facing it's direction perfectly. Just keep firing in that direction until it's dead. Easy. smile.gif


[This message has been edited by Maul Clone (edited May 26, 2000).]

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Guest Maul Clone

You have to let it hit you, that will automatically set you perfectly in the right direction. Now just keep firing over and over in that direction. If you get knocked off target let it hit you again to get back on. The only way you know you hit is that your points go up.


I only did it once though and it was really easy and quick. It's possible I just got lucky I guess. I'll try it again and get back to you.


[This message has been edited by Maul Clone (edited May 26, 2000).]

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Guest Maul Clone

I did it again and it was easy. You must be doing something wrong or getting my instructions confused.


All I can tell you is that you have to be where it flys right above your head(with other Jedi you can whack it with your lightsaber) and shoot in it's direction. You can't see it when you hit it, but your points will tell you when you nail it.


See it's easier to get a lock-on because you are parallel to it, rather than trying to hit it when it flys by. Plus you don't have to fight any droids.

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