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A message to the jk2 clan community


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Hello! I have something important to share with you. Everyday I see yet another start up jk2 clan, with no resources, nothing unique, looking for members. Now, keep in mind, that I am not knocking any one person. I'm sure everyone has the best of intentions. But what we have is already a fragmented community in jk2 and waning interest, not helped by the poor clan support of the community. Why start up your own clan when there are already better, more establised clans with greater resources to join? Clans who already have servers, webmasters, team voiceware support,skinners,mappers and modelers. Well, I'll tell you why-it's all about ego. It's so somebody can be the "big daddy" of their newly formed clan and get off on it. And before you relpy with, well you're doing it too, I am not in charge of IRON. IRON is a multi-gaming clan with several teams, with each team being headed by command council members who must vote on team decisons...so we have no 'big daddy" :) So, am I saying don't start your own clan and join ours? NO, of course not. What I am saying is that there is already a bunch of great clans out there to support, such as AIM, DarkSide, IRON and many others. So, unless you have a REALLY unique idea or special resource...why not seriously think about joining one of the existing, well established clans before trying to start up your own? If it's about ego...then you should probably find a better way to boost yours than through videogames LOL :) So, please support the jk2 community peeps. Just my two cents. Reptile IRON aka SuperLen



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