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Something To say

Guest Jedi Trunks

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Guest Jedi Trunks

Ive read alot of the piece of **** posts about crap. and i kinda agree with them. u moderators are too strict. what poo poo said was right. there are far worse things then seeing a name with jizz in it or seeing a 69 in it. i don't want to name is cause i might be band by the all mighty powerful moderators, i think this place was better without them!





Trunks, Supreme Jedi

"Sniffing Glue is a way of life, never deny that!"

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Guest Jedi-Qui-Gon

<font color="green6">I know but they have to be that strict. You want this forum to get any worse? They're controlling it well and if they need to be strict then so be it. There are a lot of kids here they are trying to protect. Some parents supervise their children while on the internet. The parents might not want their children viewing sites with that kind of material.




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Guest Jedi Trunks

so screw them, who the hell cares. i sure don't care. it pisses me off almost as much as this kindergartner in the elementry school near me got peanut butter banned god dammit! little kids are pointless, even though i was one, but this was the way i was treated by older kids.





Trunks, Supreme Jedi

"Sniffing Glue is a way of life, never deny that!"

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Guest Jedi Kanigget

We didn't used to have a designated moderator, but some people decided to abuse the freedom, so we got two(Actually, three, if you count MasterYoda, who seems to be MIA). And they were fairly lenient on what went on here. Some people abused that, too. Now they are less lenient. The thing is, they're fed up with the crap that goes on in this forum. To be honest, I agree wholeheartedly with what they have done so far. We had the freedom, and some people decided to test the envelope of that freedom. We still have more freedom than some message boards, so don't go ruining what's left.





Darth Wart's Strategy Guide in a friendly, easy to use form!(Sorry, that was bad.)





[This message has been edited by Jedi Kanigget (edited May 28, 2000).]

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Guest Jedi Trunks

ure right, i remember we had like complete freedom. but people like sith lord genja tron and Rho Elite. it was really fun in the beggning. mad fun, it was. but now it is just getting more retarted cause about everyone has beaten the game. we need to do other things, the game got old, i haven't played it since i beat it, which was april 25th, its so broing now. even 2 player. i gotta get a new game....hmmm can't remember the name of the new playstation, um.......it starts with a v i kno that





Trunks, Supreme Jedi

"Sniffing Glue is a way of life, never deny that!"

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Guest Hannibal

Nobody would have noticed his name had Jizz in it if he hadn't came out telling everyone how he loved "*****"(That's how he spelled it). He never even asked a JPB question or talked about Star Wars.



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