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an eternity of pain

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something that always annoyed me in mi3 was the ending in the roller coaster of death.

lechuck promissed an etenity of pain, but it actually just kept going around through the same corny, PotC-like, disney-wannabe rides.


some days ago i finally figured it out, through years of hard work (i accidentally opened on an MI page that said: mistery solved). they said that the original CMI had a cutscene that was cut off afterwards, where showed elaine getting rid of the guards and changing the trails for GB's car-thingy. but now instead of 1 big prob, ive got 2 not-so-big probs:


1- where did elaine go, and y such overly-elaborated way to end it?


2- YTF did they cut the cutscene of?


3- as far as i know, im the only 1 that ever left the big whoop, thx to those hellish mushrooms... and that giant koala!




(if u think ive gonne insane, just remember that, for me there r 3 types of persons in the world: those that know how to count, and those that dont know how to count)

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It's been quite some time since I last played CMI, but I do recall seeing that originally, the ride took its passengers into something like lava, and turned them into LeChuck's undead minions... and that sometime prior to Guybrush's getting on the ride, something was manipulated so that the ride would loop around forever, thereby making it safe for Guybrush to take the ride (though I don't recall if it was Elaine who did the manipulation, or if it was something Guybrush did).


All of this happened from my own playing of the game, so maybe the version of the game you got was different than mine?

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