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Replace Galak_Mech with Custom NPC


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I am trying to replace galak_mech with a custom model, but everytime I spawn him, he usually has a lightsaber in his crotch while firing an imperial repeater. How can I make it so that the lightsaber is in his hand and he uses it?

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Here is one response from another post that discovered the

weapon attached to the name. The question is where or what file contains this information in the game. From there, I can simply replace his repeater with the lightsaber. Thanks!


From Chang about the weapon setup:


"where you see a "stricmp" it's looking for the exact name, where you see a "strncmp", it's only looking for the NPC's name to start with those letters...


int NPC_WeaponsForTeam( team_t team, int spawnflags, const char *NPC_type )





if ( Q_stricmp( "tavion", NPC_type ) == 0 ||

Q_strncmp( "reborn", NPC_type, 6 ) == 0 ||

Q_stricmp( "desann", NPC_type ) == 0 ||

Q_strncmp( "shadowtrooper", NPC_type, 13 ) == 0 )

return ( 1 << WP_SABER);


if ( Q_strncmp( "stofficer", NPC_type, 9 ) == 0 )


return ( 1 << WP_FLECHETTE);


if ( Q_stricmp( "stcommander", NPC_type ) == 0 )


return ( 1 << WP_REPEATER);


if ( Q_stricmp( "swamptrooper", NPC_type ) == 0 )


return ( 1 << WP_FLECHETTE);


if ( Q_stricmp( "swamptrooper2", NPC_type ) == 0 )


return ( 1 << WP_REPEATER);


if ( Q_stricmp( "rockettrooper", NPC_type ) == 0 )


return ( 1 << WP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER);


if ( Q_strncmp( "shadowtrooper", NPC_type, 13 ) == 0 )


return ( 1 << WP_SABER); }

if ( Q_stricmp( "imperial", NPC_type ) == 0 )


return ( 1 << WP_BLASTER_PISTOL);


if ( Q_strncmp( "impworker", NPC_type, 9 ) == 0 )


return ( 1 << WP_BLASTER_PISTOL);


if ( Q_stricmp( "stormpilot", NPC_type ) == 0 )


return ( 1 << WP_BLASTER_PISTOL);


if ( Q_stricmp( "galak", NPC_type ) == 0 )


return ( 1 << WP_BLASTER);


if ( Q_stricmp( "galak_mech", NPC_type ) == 0 )


return ( 1 << WP_REPEATER);


if ( Q_strncmp( "ugnaught", NPC_type, 8 ) == 0 )


return WP_NONE;


if ( Q_stricmp( "granshooter", NPC_type ) == 0 )


return ( 1 << WP_BLASTER);


if ( Q_stricmp( "granboxer", NPC_type ) == 0 )


return ( 1 << WP_MELEE);


if ( Q_strncmp( "gran", NPC_type, 4 ) == 0 )


return (( 1 << WP_THERMAL)|( 1 << WP_MELEE));


if ( Q_stricmp( "rodian", NPC_type ) == 0 )


return ( 1 << WP_DISRUPTOR);


if ( Q_stricmp( "rodian2", NPC_type ) == 0 )


return ( 1 << WP_BLASTER);



if (( Q_stricmp( "interrogator",NPC_type) == 0) || ( Q_stricmp( "sentry",NPC_type) == 0) || (Q_strncmp( "protocol",NPC_type,8) == 0) )


return WP_NONE;



if ( Q_strncmp( "weequay", NPC_type, 7 ) == 0 )


return ( 1 << WP_BOWCASTER); }

if ( Q_stricmp( "impofficer", NPC_type ) == 0 )


return ( 1 << WP_BLASTER);


if ( Q_stricmp( "impcommander", NPC_type ) == 0 )


return ( 1 << WP_BLASTER);


if (( Q_stricmp( "probe", NPC_type ) == 0 ) || ( Q_stricmp( "seeker", NPC_type ) == 0 ))


return ( 1 << WP_BOT_LASER);


if ( Q_stricmp( "remote", NPC_type ) == 0 )


return ( 1 << WP_BOT_LASER );


if ( Q_stricmp( "trandoshan", NPC_type ) == 0 )


return (1<<WP_REPEATER);


if ( Q_stricmp( "atst", NPC_type ) == 0 )


return (( 1 << WP_ATST_MAIN)|( 1 << WP_ATST_SIDE));


if ( Q_stricmp( "mark1", NPC_type ) == 0 )


return ( 1 << WP_BOT_LASER);


if ( Q_stricmp( "mark2", NPC_type ) == 0 )


return ( 1 << WP_BOT_LASER);


if ( Q_stricmp( "minemonster", NPC_type ) == 0 )


return (( 1 << WP_MELEE));


if ( Q_stricmp( "howler", NPC_type ) == 0 )


return (( 1 << WP_MELEE));


//Stormtroopers, etc.

return ( 1 << WP_BLASTER);






if(spawnflags & SFB_RIFLEMAN)

return ( 1 << WP_REPEATER);


if(spawnflags & SFB_PHASER)

return ( 1 << WP_BLASTER_PISTOL);


if ( Q_strncmp( "jedi", NPC_type, 4 ) == 0 || Q_stricmp( "luke", NPC_type ) == 0 )

return ( 1 << WP_SABER);


if ( Q_strncmp( "prisoner", NPC_type, 8 ) == 0 )


return WP_NONE;


if ( Q_strncmp( "bespincop", NPC_type, 9 ) == 0 )


return ( 1 << WP_BLASTER_PISTOL);



if ( Q_stricmp( "MonMothma", NPC_type ) == 0 )


return WP_NONE;




return ( 1 << WP_BLASTER);





if ( Q_stricmp( "mark1", NPC_type ) == 0 )


return WP_NONE;


if ( Q_stricmp( "mark2", NPC_type ) == 0 )


return WP_NONE;


if ( Q_strncmp( "ugnaught", NPC_type, 8 ) == 0 )


return WP_NONE;


if ( Q_stricmp( "bartender", NPC_type ) == 0 )


return WP_NONE;


if ( Q_stricmp( "morgankatarn", NPC_type ) == 0 )


return WP_NONE;









return WP_NONE;




Next time I'll put these in the NPCs.cfg... heh


Michael Chang Gummelt


Gameplay Programmer: Jedi Knight II


Raven Software



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