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Guest Kurgan

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Guest Kurgan

Hey, I was trying out JPB for the second time, this time on my old PC (p233 MMX, 64 mb ram, 16x cdrom) with the bleem! demo.


Not too bad.


Can anybody with the full version of bleem! tell me how well JPB and other SW games run on it? Thanks. I might consider buying it someday, just 'cause it's so cool (bleem!).



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Guest ChosenOne

Yeah Kurgan, I've got Bleem!

I bought it just to play JPB and was pretty disappointed. The biggest problem I had (and someone may have an answer for this) was my inability to transfer save games from my PSX to my PC and back, so if I progressed at all on the PC I would have to do it all over again on the PSX. If anyone out there has a way of transferring files from a memory card to a PC I'd be interested in hearing it.

Anyway, to answer your question Kurgan, I have had quite a few problems running JPB with Bleem!. After all cutscenes the screen will flicker from full screen mode to window and back, causing me to often get attacked while waiting for the screen to come back. This may be a problem with the Bleem! settings. It seems to be very adjustable but I don't have the technical expertise to figure out what the problems are. I'm pretty sure it's not my PC because I'm using a Dell 733Mhz PIII w/ 128MB RDRAM, DVD player, and NVIDIA GeForce 4X 256. If anyone has any solutions or hints on how to better set up Bleem! for my system to stop the annoying screen flicker I'd love to hear from you.

So, Kurgan I guess my answer to your question is don't bother. If I'm able to fix mine so it works I'll post a message to let you know. For now save your money.

(PS: I did spot Bleem! for $9.99 at CompUSA recently. For that I'd say go ahead and get it, but don't waste $40.)

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Guest ChosenOne

Bleem! is a PC program which allows you to play PlayStation games on your PC. While it's not perfect, it does do a pretty good job with most games. New games often cause problems until Bleem! puts out a patch for it. These are updated every couple of months and are downloadable from the net.

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very cool, chosen one, do you know where i can download a free one? im a little strapped for cash right now.




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Guest ChosenOne

Ikhnaton, I guess I don't understand your question. You definetly need whichever PSX game you intend to play. When you buy Bleem! you install the basic software to your PC. To play a game you need to run Bleem! which will then prompt you for your Bleem! CD. When it is done you are then prompted for whichever PSX game you wish to play. I hope this helps.

I believe that you can download a demo version from www.bleem.com.

They also have a list of supported games on their site.

Bleem! is also making a program which would allow you to play PSX games on the Dreamcast if anyone out there is interested.

Anyway, I hope this answers your questions. If not, let me know and I'll try to answer what I can.



[This message has been edited by ChosenOne (edited June 01, 2000).]

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Guest Ikhnaton

that answers my question. i could tell it was some sort of emulator, i just didn't know if you needed the Playstation cd

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Guest Kurgan

Yeah, pretty much the same as the Virtual Gaming Station, only it's for the PC. It's a commercial Playstation emulator, and it uses the PSX game cd's.


I tested out the demo version with JPB, that's why I asked. The demo version lacks sound and 3D hardware support, and it's on a timer.


There are other PSX emu's out there (like PSEmu), but they require a system BIOS image (it's not included because of legal reasons).


bleem! is supposed to be the best for the PC.



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