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A few things I think would make JPB a better game..

Guest Kurgan

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Guest Kurgan

Whether or not you agree (and I am by no means the resident expert on this game), here are some things I think would improve JPB and make it more fun:


- Ability to do multiple swings in mid-air (like in the intro movie). Jumping in combat thus becomes an offensive manuver as well as defensive, and not just a puny "escape" technique.


- "Zoom In/Out" key (for single player at least). Many other 3d games have this feature, and it sucks to get blocked and have your view obscured by architecture, or not know what's in front of you because it's too far away.


- Shorter "attack" animations, or at least the ability to "stop" an attack. The animations are a bit on the long side, and this leaves you too vulnerable too often


- Make difficulty levels that actually mean something.


- How about an "arcade mode" where when you die, you respawn on your next life in the same spot where you died, not farther back in the level? I hate having to replay entire sections when I die near the very end of some scene.


- Add One on One Duel mode. Just for the heck of it, how about the option to go a few rounds one on one with a powerful AI controlled Jedi or another player in a fixed arena. It couldn't hurt. Call it "arena training" if you like.


And finally, change it so that the shots you block with your saber actually fly back and hit the person who fired them at you (c'mon, you're a Jedi for cryin' out loud!).


Change all that stuff, and the game would be 100 times better, IMHO. Even without the duel mode, the other changes would fix it up nicely. Maybe in the Dreamcast version....




[This message has been edited by Kurgan (edited May 29, 2000).]

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Guest Jedi Kanigget

Yup, Mace's right. You just have to be patient when you block, wait until the last possible moment before the bolt hits you, and block, it'll go directly towards the shooter.

And as for the other things you mentioned, I agree. Especially the zooming camera part. On some parts it can be difficult to get an accurate perspective of where you are compared to the ledge you want to jump to.





Darth Wart's Strategy Guide in a friendly, easy to use form!(Sorry, that was bad.)



[This message has been edited by Jedi Kanigget (edited May 28, 2000).]

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Guest Kurgan

Ah, I see about the blocking thing, I'll have to try that. They could have made it easier though, like Rank 8 JK/MOTS. ; )



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Guest Sorcerer_Vinny

I really didnt like the TPM at all. Mine was buggy I think, and I was turned off right away by the saber. It was crappy, and the last saber duel with Maul was horrible. Any thoughts?

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Guest Jedi Kanigget

TPM is the worst PSX game I have ever played, horrible graphics and gameplay. And it's just not very fun at all. The lightsaber looked like a painted stick, and the moves the Jedi did were crap. The final duel was the worst. Maul didn't even come close to hitting Qui-Gon when he killed him. The saber missed his side by what would be almost a foot.





Darth Wart's Strategy Guide in a friendly, easy to use form!(Sorry, that was bad.)


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Guest Maul Clone

Nah, I like how you can deflect back shots. This way takes some speed and skill and keeps you on your toes. I have to say there is little I would change about the gameplay itself, that's what makes the game great.


But they really should fix all those damn bugs and glitches.

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Guest DarthGohan1016

I think they should have had the zoom in thing too but Id like it to be like in zelda when you push the button and it goes to first person view and you can view around

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Guest Kurgan

TPM's duels were pretty basic, it was just run up and hack/slash. That was it, and just one swing (well, practically).


I hated having to "bat" (as if we were playing baseball) the blaster shots away manually.


But, at least it was much easier to hit enemies in TPM and one could swing in mid-air quite easily. Not so in JPB...



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Guest ShadeShifter

Those are great ideas Kurgan. I, too, would have liked to been able to do air attacks and play one on one against someone else.




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Guest Ray Park

Yeah, you should be able to attack in midair, as well as run while blocking. Perhaps a limited autoblock feature, like in Jedi Knight (one cool freakin' game!!!). I like JPB, but there's some glaringly retarded things about it. #1 is that you can't get the dual lightsaber for maul. I really don't get that. The most annoying thing for me while playing is that the enemy's block. How the hell do you block a lightsaber without your arm getting burned off?! HELLO YOU FRICKIN' MORONS!!!!!! Lucas seriously needs better programers for his games. I also hate all the b.s. about getting shot in midair. I also think it's dub that you can't develop Maul any further (he should have more moves than that), I also think it's retarded that Maul throws his hand out and nothing happens (I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and assum something's supposed to happen but there's a glich). I also think there should be more characters. I also think minor enemies should die in one hit (I mean really, I could see the destroyers and bosses taking a few hits, but people and droids?) I also think Darth Vader should be an unlockable character. And I wasn't too impressed with the basic lightsaber graphics. It looks ok, but it's not glowing enough, it should normaly look more like the ultimate saber. I also don't like Adi's voice, Maul should have kicks, Qui Gon should be able to do an elbow/punch combo (I love it in the movie when he smacks Maul off the catwalk) I also think it's blindingly retarded that the Jedi die when they fall from too high. Didn't the programers watch the damn movie?! HUH! HEY GEORGE! EVER ACTUALLY INTERVIEW ONE OF YOUR FRICKIN EMPLOYEES?!!! I do like the characters though (even though he should be better Maul is still cool), Plo Koon is hard core, and Mace Windu is flat out Bad A$$. Obi and Adi are cool too, and Qui Gon just rocks (love the force move, though they all should have a lot more). I wish they'd make a game like this of the old series, and not crew it up (Uhm, when you unlock Vader, uhm, you only get the mask and boots, you get the version of Vader you fight on level 5, when you sneak up on him while he's on the can). Yeah, that's right, we all want to play with Darth Maul so we can see a normal lightsaber just like all the others. That's it, yeah.

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Guest Dave Maul

That One-on-One duel format is a good idea, Kurgan. So good, it deserves it's own game. A lot like Masters Of Teras Kaesi, but with the new technology, much much better.

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like i said, i think it would be cool if the jedi yelled Death from above! on the way dwn from thier jump attacks. (if they COULD jump attack, that is)


Once again, i believe that a trained ape could do a better job then the people at Lucas Arts. Hannibal, lets send JoJo and Bango down there to straighten them out.




Say "hi" to Bango, Jo-Jo's friend and faithfull sidekick.He helps me bounty hunt.


The Un-Council's Disgruntled Bounty Hunter


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Guest 84Elan

OK Airborn. death from above gesh... those are all great ideas has anyone ever written Lucasarts or E-mailed them to ask them why they think so little of there customers by releasing such a half @ss game? I know the few times that I had chance to E-mail them there relpies were short and curt. I did not sent them a hate E-mail either just a few questions on the game, but nothing like Warts Jerry Louis Telethon. That is still the tops.

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Guest Super Sith Saiyan Vegeta

My only problems with JPB are the little bug (you know what I mean) and the cheap force moves (come on! why is obi wan shooting little blue balls from his hand?) I also dont like the Secret characters. I think that the Darth Maul should have had a force move that activates 2 blades! I really don't care much for playing as Ki-Adi-Mundi,I really wanna play as one of those big droid thingys on naboo,near the flame thrower droids! that would be fun! I would have liked to be Darth Vader too (Maul and Vader killin the droids side by side) That would be fun! ::sigh:: oh-well,we are stuck with a game like this,but I myself still enjoy it with 2 people




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Guest Stormtrooper

Well,I think that everyone wants the two player battle mode (well they should) also i should mention that TPM on the PC is not that bad (i haven't tried on PSX) and the point is not that it is jsut slice 'em up as in JPB but also has several puzzles- thats why it is action/ADVENTURE genre



Just thought i'd like to defend it.

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Guest Kurgan

Forget MOTK. Just take Bushido Blade 2, and give the guys lightsabers instead of swords, and give it SW backgrounds and skins.


Done! I still think that game has the best sword-fighting system I've ever played.



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Guest Plo Koon

<font color="yellow"> Yep, Bushido Blade 2 is the best sword fighting game I've ever played. I think the characters in JPB should have had clothes that acctually move with the wind and everything. It's like they starch the heck out of their clothes before battle.




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to discover the right,

the Will

to use it, and the

strength to make it Endure

-Prayer of King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table.

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Guest 84Elan

Guys is BB2 on the PS? I am rather new to the PS having just defected from the 64 camp Jan of this year. It sounds great kind of like the sword fighting game in the arcade that they used to have.It was like Street Fighter although with Swords and set in Japan.


[This message has been edited by 84Elan (edited June 07, 2000).]

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