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total annihhilation star wars tc!!!

Guest Rogue15

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it's for the game, Total Annihilation. 3rd party tc called Star Wars Total Annihilation. It's pretty awesome. Will keep me satisfied until battlegrounds comes out.

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heh, the only reason i bought the game was cause of the star wars tc coming out for it, and for the soundtrack. hehheeheh. the main missions and stuff are boring. strain on the eyes!

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it is. although the rebels just wiped me off the map. hehehe. they swarmed me with airspeeders, and had a few a-wings strafe my troops! and 2 y-wings knocked out my missile turret!


i can't wait 'til they release the walkers for it!

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odd, it's supposed to come up. it comes up for me. i read in the forums over there about someone else having the same problem. try again later. or hit refresh until it shows...

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whatever u do, don't play the maze levels!!!!!!!!! hehehe. i ended up having to self destruct almost all my units, 'cause i was getting very tired...and the debris that blocks your tanks, and the anti aircraft turrets, and troopers aren't good against tanks...hehehe. i almost crashed the game when i self destructed. ehehehe it's really fun. also, go to tilesets and get the hoth map (haven't tried it yet)

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they say it conflicts with the core contingency. so, i think u'll have to turn that off. if that's not the prob, then, uninstall and reinstall. make sure u put all the files u dload into the total annihilation directory and double click SWTA icon from there.

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yup. i never really played the sp of total annihilation much, only got to the...3rd or 4th level, the 1 where there's all those trees and destroyers. The main reason i bought ta was cause of the star wars tc. Not sure about naval units tho...the waveskimmer will be in i think. not sure what others. I think they're going to stay away from naval units until the last minute, that is, if they make them at all. You can post in their messege boards (which is what i do, my name there is S2DC) and offer suggestions and opinions. :)

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