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Starport refueling


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Have got to the fuel tanks and as many people have found the computers are offline. Lando is already in the ship and the bay doors are open.

Have tried to then skip a bit to the next level and cannot get the drop down menu to accept the code "mapbespin_undercity" although in most of the help pages that is the code that needs to be entered.

Have tried to add or subtract quotations and arrows etc to no avail. This is being played on a Mac.


Does anyone have any suggestions?

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  • 3 weeks later...

have you tried turning the fueling tanks on???? you go to the left and right walls in the place where lando's ship is , you blow up some boxes and the other you push, that takes you to a place where you push a series of buttons to turn on the fuling tanks. then match the codes on the things connected to the ship on to the fuling tanks then get back on the ship and viola, you beat it fairly, try that before cheatng.

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