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det is teh leet gunner, dont care what he says here, he has a great aim, and is ****-hot with a bryaar and disruptor, HE should be teaching... i also agree with nutritious and think that /2ise will soon be 1 on twl, ex KHZ eh? who have beat dsbr in the past (when they were calling themselves GL).


And FK are probably the best well rounded clan, yeah, but i think FallenOne, having seen your guys in action, they still have a little catching up to do with you in guns, not saying they are bad, but you are definately the best gunner in the clan.

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Well...I'm thinking about getting into guns now. I've always been under the impression that 'mad skillz' carry between different games...to a degree. If I build a guns base now then I should be set for the rest of my gaming life. Not many other games feature a lightsaber or kick spam...

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Originally posted by Break_dF

Well...I'm thinking about getting into guns now. I've always been under the impression that 'mad skillz' carry between different games...to a degree. If I build a guns base now then I should be set for the rest of my gaming life. Not many other games feature a lightsaber or kick spam...


I want to do guns on jk2l.

Sure we will be dead last but it will be fun.

As for skills in other FPS, why bother? Just use aimbots.

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lol nut i didnt know you were in rise too (though i shoulda guessed) i only knew ajax and sexy were. also i think bf is gonna break up after the dsbr match (if it ever happens), so i dunno. maybe i'll try to hold the team together until you guys can challenge us. then we can finally have a real match.

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FallenOne, clearly you are the blind one here. First of all I would like to say that TWL is nothing compared to Clanbase, and as Xeno said, it is basically an American ladder...


As for TMF, they are of the CTF side of JK2 and I am unsure as to who is the best CTF Euro clan.


My clan is called eF and we were founded sometime in May/June and our rivals 4Jedi were founded sometime in May. eF and 4Jedi play TFFA Saber only and are considered the best at it for the moment, quite possibly covering America aswell :)


eF results can be found here


4J results can be found here


Please also check our achievements to find that 'yes' we have participated in many tournaments/leagues and still are.


Feel free to challenge us at anytime :)

One round on your server and one on ours..





eF.b0abi wan

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Yippy freaking doo dah. Euro's can not compete with America's top clans. Want proof? TMF challenged us to TFFA, they bailed right before the match. Awe, got scared. In JK2L, we matched who everyone said was the best Euro Saber CTF clan, -Gx-. Undefeated in Europe. Wanna know what happened to them? WE FREAKING ANHIALATED THEM!!!!!!!!! First map, Bespin. We freaking won 15 to 0 in 13 minutes.




They were so flabergasted it took 3 freaking restarts on the second map, NS_Streets, during which we had capped 10 times to their 0, then they give up and bail, forfeiting the map.


I've played against members of all the clans you mentioned and I've owned them left and right. PPOR. Post your proof tough guy. Results against noob euro clans mean nothing. We beat the crap out of all the euro's. You guys lack the tactics, strategies, and the testicles to play real clan wars. You bitch about honor during matches when we suicide and spam kick. You complain about team damage being on because you can't spam whore your DFA cause you kill your own teammates. PPOR. Post proof or retract. Come to our server and you'll see exactly what happens to euro's against us. You're all dueling clans stick to it.

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I'm sorry but FF TFFA, 4J and eF would both get owned by SF or FK. We (SF) challenged 4J and never had a valid response. I've played you so-called skilled European players and you're nothing compared to Americans. Swift is the best European player I've come across...by far. If you think you're good, accept our challenge and let us prove that Europe is "teh suck." 8).

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That's not SF. That's ShF. Nice try though. None of those guys are even in SF.


THIS is SF...








Niether of us, FK or SF would allow that many kills over two maps to a team. Nice try at slandering sf with ShF. Pathetic.


Join TWL and challenge us. Why should we challenge you all when you have to try and slander SF by saying you beat them when your screenshots are OBVIOUSLY NOT SF?!?! Get a clue.

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Someone's an idiot.... If that's your attempt at slander than I really don't even want to waste my time playing any of you morons. You're the type of clan/s that I rape by myself. BTW, Fallen, you know as well as everyone else that if SF was to match FK again things would be different... that was our first match for Christ's sake.

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Originally posted by Jondo

[20:24] <[-ShF-]Rawnblad> yea, im the founder, i have decidecd to change SF to ShF just incase others have SF


lol....keep up with the times man...they have changed their tag :p




Damn, you're a flipping retard. SF = Sanguis Fratres. You are not SF. 4J punked out of a match w/ us so please, stfu and come to our server so I can shut you up myself.

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We asked if they were SF, they said yes they were, and they were American.


A mistake was made...if you call my comment, "Thanks for the good game, SF. Friendly attitudes, good players. Top clan " slander then you really need to go back to school and learn a bit more :)


Someone in SF give me an instant messenger contact.. MSN, ICQ or IRC ( server / channel ) and we'll get a game going with the real SF.

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Hmmmmm confusion.


Break, they said they were SF, we played em, it wasnt you..... we know that now.


You can get me @


inf3h@hotmail.com (msn)

10627147 (icq)

#4Jedi (Qnet irc)



Get in contact with me to arrange a game.


I see eF have already offered you a game, I am now offering you a game on behalf of 4Jedi. Lets stop the abuse and just play?




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oddly, flaming seems to primarily only come from American clans, and I find the comments that Americans > All and the like highly offensive. FK and SF may be the best respectively, but you don't get respect by making everyone hate you.


This may seem odd, but Dsbr flames have NEVER been on the same level as some of the FK flames i've seen, and they've almost always been in good humour.


Originally when I started playing, I hated Dsbr and desperately wanted to beat them just like everyone else, then I realized that they aren't as bad as everyone made out.

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hmm seems most US clans are still into the guns & sabers FF like the good 'ol days when I was in DSbr, playing on the zone. :p


Where as UK clans now mostly play, as D33 said, sabers nf with jump only.


I'd like to play some of you guys in nf duel at some stage if your into that.

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Originally posted by DeTRiTiC-iQ

Originally when I started playing, I hated Dsbr and desperately wanted to beat them just like everyone else, then I realized that they aren't as bad as everyone made out.


Hmm, DSbr were never hated as much as WD players. WD always used to bump their gums about how much they were the best... but when it came down to it, we kicked their butts :p I'll have to dig out the screenies :D

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