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n00b looking for some insights ;)


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Hey hello they’re everyone


I just bought the game yesterday, as in-9-jan-2003, it was one of two games I bought after catching the RTS bug - which was the fault of ST Starfleet Command 3, which I obtained a few weeks ago. The RTS bug has definitely bitten me and hard lol.

I had, up until then, only been interested in semi RTS type games like, Ghost Recon; of course I have always been an avid fan of all things fps I.E ut and UT2003.

I managed to get the game with the Clone Campaigns bundled into the package free, it only cost me, £15:00 for the lot, which I think is well worth the money. If you’re interested by the way, the other game I bought yesterday, was a complete let down, one with no support online at all, it's called Project Earth.

Anyway after getting in deep with the single player campaigns and having 2 or 3 goes online at zone, and getting my ass royally kicked LOL, I find myself here, looking for help in acquiring decent maps and scenarios, also campaigns if there is any available.

Could someone give me a heads up on what are best and most complete-developed wise, maps and Scenarios. Also if there are any mod campaigns out there I would be thrilled to try them out.

Although I am know were near completing any of the single player campaigns, and haven’t seen more than 3 of the RM maps in multiplayer mode, I just want to get as many add-ons to the game as possible so the fun never ends.

Anyway if anyone can spare 5 mins to give me there opinion on what’s the best maps and scenarios/campaigns out there, on this website and others, I would be grateful ;)



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I really couldn't give you a rating of map/scenarios because I haven't downloaded any (or if I did, it was a long time ago). If you're looking for sites from which to download maps/scenarios/mods or whatnot though, I can help. Check GalacticBattles and the Heaven Games SWGB site. You'll also find plenty of tips there (and in these forums) to help you from getting your ass kicked in MP. :)



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