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Why won't it work?

Ryick Pa'tran

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Okay, I have now created a pk3 file (using PakScape). Here is what it has:


Botroutes folder (empty right now, File currently in progress)

Models folder (empty)

Shaders folder (empty)

Levelshots folder (one file: one.jpeg)

Music folder (one folder, one file: Final_Duel\Final_Duel.mp3)

Sound folder (empty)

Maps folder (one file: one.bsp)

Scripts folder (one file: one.arena)


The Arena file is a wordpad file that states:


map "one"

bots "Luke"

Longname "One Box"

fraglimit 10

type "ffa"




I built this test map in JK2Radiant. I have not created or included any custom shaders or textures. I have placed the one.pk3 in the correct folder (with all of the maps I have dowloaded.


Why doesn't it show up in my menu (I can play it in the devmap though)?!?


As always,

Thanks in advance,

Ryick Pa'tran

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First of all, your arena file should include the following:


map "ffa_map"

longname "Map Name"

type "ctf cty duel ffa holocron jedimaster team"



that's all, nothing more, nothing less. (at least to my knowledge).

Of course you can variate it, for the gametype so if it's only a duel map, you'd take out 'ctf, cty, fa, holocron, jedimaster, team'


I would say your arena file is the problem you cant see it in the level selector.



On another note:

you asked the question at 12pm, on the 10th, then you posted again that you 'guessed no one knew the answer' at 4pm later that day, well, be patient man, most people have jobs and other affairs and dont check the forums until the evening im sure, be patient, usually people will answer...


Edit: For more info on MP mapping check out http://richdiesal.jedioutcastmaps.com/tutorials/gc102lsn7.html

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