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any predictions for episode 2 or 3?

Guest Darth Calypso

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Guest Darth Calypso

tongue.gif hey guys, i know that acid rain had a good on up here earlier, but if anybody has any predictions [or better yet, known facts!] for the next two instalments for the prequils, post then here! thanx! tongue.gif




"you're no good to me dead"


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Guest Darth Calypso

tongue.gif hey guys, i know that acid rain had a good on up here earlier, but if anybody has any predictions [or better yet, known facts!] for the next two instalments for the prequils, post then here! thanx! tongue.gif




"you're no good to me dead"


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Guest jedihorn1

Anakin becomes vader in ep.3 (duh)and Vader will have at least 30min screen time.


Boba Fett will be a major Character in ep.2

Anakin and Amidala get married towards the end of 2


There will be multiple lightsaber duels in ep 2


Yoda will fight Sidious in an all out Force war in ep.3


Jar Jar will be in all frown.gif but will have limited screen time smile.gif


We will see a Jedi(or sith) fight with two sabers


Windu fights in ep.2


Hope that helps some!




There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, only knowledge. There is no passion, there is serinity. There is no death, there is the Force. (GOD)-Jedi Code

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Guest jedihorn1

Anakin becomes vader in ep.3 (duh)and Vader will have at least 30min screen time.


Boba Fett will be a major Character in ep.2

Anakin and Amidala get married towards the end of 2


There will be multiple lightsaber duels in ep 2


Yoda will fight Sidious in an all out Force war in ep.3


Jar Jar will be in all frown.gif but will have limited screen time smile.gif


We will see a Jedi(or sith) fight with two sabers


Windu fights in ep.2


Hope that helps some!




There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, only knowledge. There is no passion, there is serinity. There is no death, there is the Force. (GOD)-Jedi Code

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Guest Shinigami

the jedi council will meet their makers (except yoda & obi-wan)



12.gif Duo Maxwell: the UNcouncil's Spokesperson of Animé

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Guest Shinigami

the jedi council will meet their makers (except yoda & obi-wan)



12.gif Duo Maxwell: the UNcouncil's Spokesperson of Animé

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Guest Darth Calypso

ive been thinking about it, and i think that boba fett will definatly play a promenant role in ep.2, [lucas and mccaulum have confirmed that on several occasions] also, yoda WILL fight with a lightsaber [also confirmed by lucas] a few of my personal predictions will be that jar jar will die in either episode two or three biggrin.gif alos,ibelieve that shmi will die as well




"you're no good to me dead"


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Guest Darth Calypso

ive been thinking about it, and i think that boba fett will definatly play a promenant role in ep.2, [lucas and mccaulum have confirmed that on several occasions] also, yoda WILL fight with a lightsaber [also confirmed by lucas] a few of my personal predictions will be that jar jar will die in either episode two or three biggrin.gif alos,ibelieve that shmi will die as well




"you're no good to me dead"


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Guest Darth_Talon

EP 3 shmi dies and that is how anakin is converted to dark side...out of anger that his mother died and he never got to see her (im pretty sure...my dad and i read this)

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Guest Darth_Talon

EP 3 shmi dies and that is how anakin is converted to dark side...out of anger that his mother died and he never got to see her (im pretty sure...my dad and i read this)

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Guest Acid_Rain327

Well, we know for absolutely certain that Yoda will battle in either E2 or E3, but we don't know how...I have a prediction for that too. =]


If I know Lucas' style, and I think I do...


I predict Yoda will fight by using the Force to levitate his saber in the air, in front of him. There, he will be capable of fighting any foe, without being handicapped by size. Also, this will display Yoda's superb control and abilities in the Force. What do you all think?

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Guest Acid_Rain327

Well, we know for absolutely certain that Yoda will battle in either E2 or E3, but we don't know how...I have a prediction for that too. =]


If I know Lucas' style, and I think I do...


I predict Yoda will fight by using the Force to levitate his saber in the air, in front of him. There, he will be capable of fighting any foe, without being handicapped by size. Also, this will display Yoda's superb control and abilities in the Force. What do you all think?

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