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your site is well kool i have thought so in ages but nvr decided to post untill now i really like your site but there is a reason behind me saying this


i was woundering if you could send me the source code for your feed back form's but where it send them to you i want it to me but just have it like mailto:e-mail address here


i have had one like this blahblah>mailto:e-mail?subject=subjectblahblah


but that is just e-mailing and you hav to use outlook or somet like it so could you send me the script plz?

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Originally posted by richard10101

your site is well kool i have thought so in ages but nvr decided to post untill now i really like your site but there is a reason behind me saying this


i was woundering if you could send me the source code for your feed back form's but where it send them to you i want it to me but just have it like mailto:e-mail address here


i have had one like this blahblah>mailto:e-mail?subject=subjectblahblah


but that is just e-mailing and you hav to use outlook or somet like it so could you send me the script plz?


o.O Say what?

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