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a few thoughts (and an introduction)

Guest Jedi Dire

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Guest Jedi Dire

Well, i'm new to the forums, but certainly not new to a good Star Wars game. i still remember flying in and out of the death star in the original X-Wing. and i have a few thoughts about Jedi Power Battles.


i belive this is an awesome game, with a few glytches here and there...but we all can't be perfect, right?


a few things about myself first. i'm an honest guy (really) and i'm not one of those people who post just to harass. i play tons of starwars games (the ones i can afford) and i usually can beat most of them...execpt Rebellion...that escapes me. i bought Jedi Power Battles because i heard it was cool. and it was. anyways, i beat most of the game without cheating (i still have to get the girl to 10/100) and i found a few interesting things.


(a little thing about the intro: you know the scene where they show the STAP's shooting? the ground never gets damaged. hmm)


1. did you know in the first level, you can accually kill one of those destroyer droids in the background? using Adi Gallia's force power over and over, you can score a cool 300 points. i only killed one, but it was cool.


2. you can drag those two droids on the conveyor belt with you (first level, duh) over to the big construction droid boss...but for some reason, the droids arms doesn't hurt those battle droids.


3. also, did you know if you get hit by the blue lightning bolts (right after the construction droid, and before the elevator) you get points? its weird...


4. there's a much easier way to jump the pistons in the piston room. you jump on one, then jump on the ledge that's inbetween the pistons (jump and go in further, you'll see what i mean. its like the ledge where you got the continue from)


5. in the Swamps of Naboo, in the background there really IS a ledge. of course it leads nowhere, but its there.


6. if you need points in the City of Theed, you can always get out of the AAT and use your lightsaber and kill some buildings. instead of blowing them up. its wierd, but there's lots of points. clear it out with the AAT first (of course)


7. in Coruscant, in the first air taxi/car, if you're knocked off the car, you may possibly land on a building top. you'd die, but if you had turned on invincibility, you wouldn't. of course you can't do anything but die, but oh well.


8. in the gungan ruins...doesn't boss nass look freaky? bad polygons there.


9. in the Palace cliffs, how many destroyer droids do you really need to guard ONE pilot?


10. did you know if you jump on the fan blades in level 10 (of course when they stop) and move on the inside, you can accually jump through that platform thingie that lets you walk to the controls?


11. also, in level 10, if you use a force power (qui-gon or maul), you can knock out the fans, but still have them work. its weird, but they stop spinning, but if you try to cross them, they make you fly up like normal? weird...


12. As for Ki-Adi Mundi? he's in Star Wars Ep1: The Phantom Menace. he's disguised as one of those blue Twi'lek chicks... eek.gifwink.gif

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Guest Jedi Dire

Well, i'm new to the forums, but certainly not new to a good Star Wars game. i still remember flying in and out of the death star in the original X-Wing. and i have a few thoughts about Jedi Power Battles.


i belive this is an awesome game, with a few glytches here and there...but we all can't be perfect, right?


a few things about myself first. i'm an honest guy (really) and i'm not one of those people who post just to harass. i play tons of starwars games (the ones i can afford) and i usually can beat most of them...execpt Rebellion...that escapes me. i bought Jedi Power Battles because i heard it was cool. and it was. anyways, i beat most of the game without cheating (i still have to get the girl to 10/100) and i found a few interesting things.


(a little thing about the intro: you know the scene where they show the STAP's shooting? the ground never gets damaged. hmm)


1. did you know in the first level, you can accually kill one of those destroyer droids in the background? using Adi Gallia's force power over and over, you can score a cool 300 points. i only killed one, but it was cool.


2. you can drag those two droids on the conveyor belt with you (first level, duh) over to the big construction droid boss...but for some reason, the droids arms doesn't hurt those battle droids.


3. also, did you know if you get hit by the blue lightning bolts (right after the construction droid, and before the elevator) you get points? its weird...


4. there's a much easier way to jump the pistons in the piston room. you jump on one, then jump on the ledge that's inbetween the pistons (jump and go in further, you'll see what i mean. its like the ledge where you got the continue from)


5. in the Swamps of Naboo, in the background there really IS a ledge. of course it leads nowhere, but its there.


6. if you need points in the City of Theed, you can always get out of the AAT and use your lightsaber and kill some buildings. instead of blowing them up. its wierd, but there's lots of points. clear it out with the AAT first (of course)


7. in Coruscant, in the first air taxi/car, if you're knocked off the car, you may possibly land on a building top. you'd die, but if you had turned on invincibility, you wouldn't. of course you can't do anything but die, but oh well.


8. in the gungan ruins...doesn't boss nass look freaky? bad polygons there.


9. in the Palace cliffs, how many destroyer droids do you really need to guard ONE pilot?


10. did you know if you jump on the fan blades in level 10 (of course when they stop) and move on the inside, you can accually jump through that platform thingie that lets you walk to the controls?


11. also, in level 10, if you use a force power (qui-gon or maul), you can knock out the fans, but still have them work. its weird, but they stop spinning, but if you try to cross them, they make you fly up like normal? weird...


12. As for Ki-Adi Mundi? he's in Star Wars Ep1: The Phantom Menace. he's disguised as one of those blue Twi'lek chicks... eek.gifwink.gif

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Guest Wickedness

What's with everyone's fascination for Ki-Adi-Mundi??? I would rather see Yaddle or Yoda!!! That would be super sick!!!





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Guest Wickedness

What's with everyone's fascination for Ki-Adi-Mundi??? I would rather see Yaddle or Yoda!!! That would be super sick!!!





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Guest ShadeShifter

Welcome Jedi Dire. Things a kinda dead hear right now but they should pick up later tonight.




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Guest ShadeShifter

Welcome Jedi Dire. Things a kinda dead hear right now but they should pick up later tonight.




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Guest Jedi Dire

Yoda and Yaddle? their the passengers in the old (new?) landspeeder that goes out when you first enter Mos Espa in SW Ep1 TPM. biggrin.gif


also, i know things get busy here later on, but i just had to say hi


~Jedi Dire



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Guest Jedi Dire

Yoda and Yaddle? their the passengers in the old (new?) landspeeder that goes out when you first enter Mos Espa in SW Ep1 TPM. biggrin.gif


also, i know things get busy here later on, but i just had to say hi


~Jedi Dire



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Guest DarthGohan1016

I would like to play as aurra sing, i think playing as yaddle and yoda would be dumb they would look retarded with a lightsaber because of their height, I think the only cool way they could let you play as yoda or yaddle would be to give them like unlimited force, and give them a lot of force powers

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Guest DarthGohan1016

I would like to play as aurra sing, i think playing as yaddle and yoda would be dumb they would look retarded with a lightsaber because of their height, I think the only cool way they could let you play as yoda or yaddle would be to give them like unlimited force, and give them a lot of force powers

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Guest Acid_Rain327

Actually, Yoda was considered for this game, but Lucas vetoed it, because he has that special something in store for him.

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Guest Acid_Rain327

Actually, Yoda was considered for this game, but Lucas vetoed it, because he has that special something in store for him.

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Guest Darth Zero

Apparently, Yoda is supposed to be wielding a lightsaber in EP2 so we will probably see a new game 6 months after with Yoda kicking some butt with the usual glitches from the fabulous Lucas Machine paying more attention to deadlines than to quality.........sorry to moan!!

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Guest Darth Zero

Apparently, Yoda is supposed to be wielding a lightsaber in EP2 so we will probably see a new game 6 months after with Yoda kicking some butt with the usual glitches from the fabulous Lucas Machine paying more attention to deadlines than to quality.........sorry to moan!!

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