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question to the uncouncil

Guest Darth Shinigami

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Guest Darth Shinigami

<font color="red">are sith equally admitted to the uncouncil?



15.gif Duo Maxwell, Apprentice of the Sith

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Guest Derbunk

At the discretion of the Supreme Chancelor Barnabas Antillies.


All hail the Chancelor



Soon to be in the Un-Council

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Guest liquidkid

yes, anyone is allowed to be in the uncouncil... provided they are not a dick.



dicks beware!!!


(is it just me or does that just not sound right?)





p.l.u.r. <> J9K-4-LIFE <> MCL



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Guest Darth Shinigami

<font color="red">how would you define a dick?



15.gif Duo Maxwell, Apprentice of the Sith

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Guest Derbunk

"dicks beware" ......

Comment made before entering into the red light district of the Cloud City



Soon to be in the Un-Council

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Guest Derbunk

Dick: A person without a sense of humor who cannot take a joke ect., ect. Is that close Liquidkid



Soon to be in the Un-Council

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Guest liquidkid

ha ha ha... red light... i heard that.


yeah that sounds like a good definition to me! someone that comes on here and starts whining and b****ing about this and that and goes "why are you guys doing this?!?!?! it's not right!!! cut it out!! oh that's not funny! i'm offended!!!"


dont be a dick... or else i'll hafta kick you in the nuts.








p.l.u.r. <> J9K-4-LIFE <> MCL



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Guest Barnabas Antilies

Yes you can be on the Uncouncil Darth Shinanigan or whatever. And you to Derbitch. I'm sorry I'm really bad with names. But as a sith you are ruled over by Maul Sith Lord. He is the Uncouncil master of the sith. As if any of our titles mean a f***ing thing.



Father Barnabas Antilies, Supreme Chancelor

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Guest porkins

liquidkid is right on! that's what the uncouncil is all about... making uptight posters cry while we laugh at their expense. how can one avoid being laughed at? don't be lame. that is all. it is easy.



Jedi Uncouncil Co-Chairman, All-Time Champion of the Jedi Belching Contest

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Guest Darth Shinigami

<font color="red">so that means im in ?



15.gif Duo Maxwell, Apprentice of the Sith

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Guest porkins

first you must pass the trials. you must bust on at least three dorks. some easy targets include darthjustin69, lando calvinizm, and you will have to find a third.


you must also have a title. grand master sihtkcus is one suggestion.


and no more talk of this--dethroning me as all-time jedi belching champion bs. i doubt you would stand a chance--i'm really fat.



Jedi Uncouncil Co-Chairman, All-Time Champion of the Jedi Belching Contest

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Guest Barnabas Antilies

You must do as porkins says. But I'm sure we have a nice plush comfy chair for you on Uncoucnil. And don't forget the "socks of poop". Use this phrase wisely. Other than that you have a spot.



Father Barnabas Antilies, Supreme Chancelor

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Guest Jedi Trunks

what is this uncouncil thing? I've been gone at school







Trunks, Supreme Jedi

"I was merely here to save a life, now I must kick some Cell Ass."

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Guest Darth Shinigami

just three people huh? okay one at a time.. lando castration needs to get beat with a sock of poop, cuz he cant take a joke



15.gif Duo Maxwell, Apprentice of the Sith

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Guest Darth Shinigami

next person darthjustin69: i just hate this guy, i thinks hes all high n mighty and stuff, what he really needs is a good kick in the paints with a boot full of crap



15.gif Duo Maxwell, Apprentice of the Sith

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Guest Darth Shinigami

the last one: sith lord ganjatron: he comes here and runs his mouth, stirring up the poop in the sock that shouldnt have been stirred, he needs to shove a handful of bantha fodder in his mouth, cuz that what he is tryin to start



15.gif Duo Maxwell: the UnCouncil's Resident Animé Guy

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Guest Shinigami

I enlisted Darth Shinigami into the Uncouncil. I smacked him with a sock filled with poop and assumed his identity. anyways all of Darth Shinigami's actions about entering the Uncouncil were me. he got really mad at me and went of to join the sith order, so i was wondering if i can assume the spot i earned in his name? i even came up with a title. PLEASE??!?!



12.gif Duo Maxwell: Uncouncil Hopeful


[This message has been edited by Shinigami (edited April 27, 2000).]

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